POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY "GOP: Gutless Obsequious Politicians" or "Mr. President, What Is Your Pleasure??"


Gutless Obsequious Politicians" or "Mr. President, What Is Your Pleasure??"

  Fellow patriots, you may be seeing a political party dying before your eyes and might I say deservedly so When you project weakness and lack principle and stand for nothing to the ash heap of history is where you will go The Tea Party rejuvenated the GOP. It contributed mightily to its resurgence But now the two factions are at loggerheads with each other. It's bitter. There is no longer convergence Speaker Boehner treated the conservatives in his caucas with such a lack of respect Of course you would see deep resentment towards him. What else would you expect? The Speaker's treatment of the RIGHT was a microcosm of how Obama treats the GOP It is with total disdain and an everlasting and overbearing emnity The Republican Party really does not feel comfortable with those who are right of center It is a political party that is more moderate. After Obama took over both factions partnered. Into an uneasy alliance they did enter For the most part the RINOS have tried to squeeze the Conservatives' throats However in each damn elections they blatantly asked for their votes So many promises were made in the campaign but little if any were kept At sheer deception the moderate wing of the Republican Party has been most adept We have a President that we see who is increasingly out of control He oversteps his authority in all ways while the two factions of the GOP are in a death struggle for its party's soul The House Republicans are in disarray. Boehner proved incapable of dealing with a President with radical goals and little tolerance for domestic opposition He proved to be so ill suited to take on this White House and has been viewed by Conservatives in his caucus with deep suspicion His resignation signaled a turning point or so we thought so Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker's hand picked successor, inexplicably dropped out. Now we see tensions grow Now is the chance for the Tea Party to show it can govern and to take control of the agenda A candidate is needed who can unite the caucus behind a strategy to put a halt to Obama's ongoing destruction of America The Conservatives have a brief period of time to prepare a slate of candidates that can reinvigorate the Congress as a whole It is do or die time for the party. A party in turmoil. A party in search of its soul

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