Stop The Obama-Iran deal

Opposition to the Obama-Iran deal is growing by the day and the Senate will vote again tomorrow. We want to send your CITIZEN VOTE to the Senate before they vote. Go here and see below for details.


We now know that GOP leaders in Congress co-conspired with Obama to allow a minority of Democrats to green light the Iran deal, instead of requiring the constitutionally mandated two-thirds majority to pass a treaty.

This is a BETRAYAL of epic proportions.

But despite what you are hearing, the battle is not over yet. There is still time for McConnell and the others to grow a spine.

Here's what you need to know RIGHT NOW....

Tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6PM the Senate will once again hold a "cloture" vote on Obama-Iran. The pressure Senators feel and the outcome of this vote will determine how much fight Congressional Republicans have to stop the Obama-Iran deal.

Congress has until Thursday to disapprove the Obama-Iran deal or declare clearly that Obama has violated the terms of the "Corker Catastrophe" and thus has no legal authority to finalize any treaty with Iran.

That means your voice is still vitally important.

Here's what you can do TODAY...

As of this morning, we still do not have your input on Grassfire's CITIZEN VOTE on the Obama-Iran nuclear deal. We will be sending the results of our survey to key Senate leaders tomorrow at NOON and want to include your response.

Click here or on the image below to cast your YES or NO vote on the Obama-Iran deal:

Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott

 Dear Patriots
The Iran Deal is just about shut and sealed.

Barack Obama, and just enough treacherous Democrats in Congress, have enabled what could be the next Holocaust.

To say Obama will become the world’s largest supporter of Terror isn’t even half the story. This is a complete, treasonous capitulation and betrayal of not only our great friend Israel, but of our own national security.

Are these extreme words?

Not if you listened to Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu: "This deal is a stunning historical mistake." Not if you heard how they were celebrating the agreement on the streets of Iran—with cries of "Death to America!” and "Death to Israel!"

Not if you were paying attention to Dick Cheney when he said bluntly that it was a “lie” that the agreement Obama and Kerry negotiated would prevent Iran from getting the bomb and setting off a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.

Now we look ahead. Can this be stopped? Reversed? What role can Congress play? Will Congress have the courage to fight this once the deal is done?

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