Government And It's Duty

The very essence of government seems to me more and more so to be indirect contradiction or contrast to the very principles mentioned in the above post, does it not?...I for one support whole heartily i the principle and thus root source behind the Social contract document...However..With only one exception...
That no single body either it be the state or other wise should be given the authority to have the power of rule over a people of any society...This is for the simple fact that...Human nature, one of its most basic and yet profound elements or components being greed and selfishness....Will never in the end abide by or remain for very long within the limitations and restrictions implemented within any Constitution or any other Civic document or law put in to effect by the people...Therefore...The governing of societies must be placed solely within the hands of the people without exception so to govern them selves with absolute independence....True...Certain parties for the securing and maintaining of the mentioned freedoms and the unalienable rights of citizens must be elected...However not as a Government body..But rather simply as subjects...With limited authority and jurisdiction only to represent the mentioned interests of the people but NOT! to govern them.

Darius Radmanesh

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