Cancer politics and God

Let's start with cancer
, cancer is a virus or parasite that attacks cells in living tissue, it starts out eating the resources of the healthy cell, and then begins to multiply at a rapid rate, it then starts to migrate, very interesting word migrate, throughout the cell, forcing the healthy or normal parts of the cell to start to form and come together to fight this cancer virus, but by the time the healthy parts of the cell figure out that these migrating viruses, are unhealthy cancer, the healthy part of the cell is outnumbered, but at this time the healthy part of the cell is at its strongest, so if those antibodies of the healthy part of the cell are extracted at this time, and placed into a cell that has not yet experienced cancer, they will be able to educate the healthy cell to keep it from being destroyed by cancer. 

                                   Image result for cancer cell

Let me make a comparison to our own lives and earth, we live in a world where our arrogance blinds us to a true reality, that the planet Earth may actually be inside of something that's alive, we may be part of a cell, but our arrogance makes us believe we are much larger and greater than we are. As You can see today what's taking place in the world today is very similar to a cell with cancer, a matter of fact it resembles the politics of a cancer cell in progress. 


And now God, if a doctor could extract the parts of the cell that are still healthy and are fully educated to the politics and destruction of cancer, and then placed them into a healthy cell just prior to getting cancer, that cell could fight off all cancer in that body, and just like that Dr. God will come in some way some shape or form and remove those healthy components, and placed them in the next cell, and stop that unhealthy cancer / evil.


 I hope this comment / statement open the eyes of some of us. I have had in my lifetime many spiritual and religious experiences, and I believe that we could build a vehicle to leave this planet, and escape this upcoming horror that is about to devour this planet.    Bill Sharpe

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