7 Scandals Hillary Wants You To Forget:

Server-Gate,Watergate,Vince Foster’s ,Whitewater,Monica Lewinsky,Benghazi-Gate and Huma Abedin

It is now more than clear that Hillary Clinton used a private, unsecured email server for official U.S. Government business and contracted with at least one company that did not have a proper Security Clearance to handle the server. It is also likely that she authorized the possible destruction of sensitive government information through the cleaning or “wiping” of U.S. Government documents from the unsecured server. Full revelations and other implications of the scandal are, as of yet, unknown and presently the subject of a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation.

There is an old adage, the worst things in life we do to ourselves. As Hillary Rodham Clinton marches on to what was supposed to be her “coronation” as the Democrat Nominee for President of the United States, she has been sidetracked by one of the most perplexing scandals of her scandal-ridden life.

In a March 2, 2015 article, that bastion of the vast right-wing conspiracy (that’s sarcasm folks), The New York Times, reported that Hillary Rodham Clinton used not only her own private email account for U.S. Government work but also used her own private email server. Additionally, her aides allegedly sent and received emails from the same unsecured server.

Like most Hillary Rodham Clinton scandals, one bleeds into another, because, if her top aid Huma Abedin was working for outside organizations and using her private email on the unsecured server, what ramifications does that have in the on-going questioning of Huma Abedin’s conflicts of interest?

During her 2008 presidential campaign, the Clinton hired Bryan Pagliano. After the campaign, Pagliano was paid by the Clintons as their private Information Technology (IT) Director, and was later placed on the Department of State payroll when hired by Hillary to work as a Department of State employee to maintain her private e-mail server.

Bryan Pagliano has informed Congress through his lawyers that he intends to Plead the 5th Amendment. While he has every legal and constitutional right to do so, it should be noted that most people do not Plead the 5th unless they have something to hide and fear prosecution.

Political pundits have been asking one of the most obvious questions, who knew about Hillary’s special arrangement? Regardless of the legal implications, of which there are many, there is also long-term political fallout, if it can be proven, that for example, someone knew she was sending and receiving Top Secret information from an unsecured server.

And, harkening back to the first scandal in which she was involved, Watergate, in August 2015, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall said that emails, and all other data stored on the unsecured server, were erased or wiped clean.

The FBI investigation is on-going. The Benghazi Special Select Committee continues to request documents. Numerous private and non-governmental organizations, as well as members of the media, continue filling Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. With mounting questions of how serious these investigations are, many Americans are left wondering why there are two different judicial systems? One for the ruling political elite and one for everyone else.

Baked into this scandal is the horrifying reality that multiple foreign governments hacked into her unsecured email server, which has been proven to have had Top Secret information on it at one time.

And aside from the legal questions this scandal raises, the potential hacking by foreign governments might partially explain the absolute failures of diplomacy and relationship building that were the hallmarks of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of the U.S. Department of State. Read More on this ....Here

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