GOP Ushers In The Coming Hillary Era

The GOP is at war with its Tea Party wing, the Bush family is set to make the Republican nomination hereditary, and the winner is Hillary.

Hillary Clinton will probably be the next president. Hugh Hewett, a wonky conservative radio talk-show host, author and former member of the Reagan administration said so. And I think he’s right.
While a guest on the Adam Carolla podcast, Hewett described the Electoral College as “so freaking against the Republicans. And so, we [Republicans] have to nominate the perfect ticket. They [Democrats] have to make a lot of mistakes … She’s  [Hillary] awfully smart, and she’s got a lot of money, and the Republicans are going to carve each other up.”
That certainly was the case during the last Republican midterm primaries. In February 2014, FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe told the New York Times his funding was drying up. “I can’t give to you because I’ve been told I won’t have access to Republican leadership,” a former donor told Kibbe.
It was FreedomWorks that helped organize the jumbled tea party state chapters into a cohesive national juggernaut that unseated droves of moderate Republican incumbents and left-of-center Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections, delivering a political rebuke President Obama called a “shellacking.”
Since then, the Democrats, their handmaidens in the mainstream media and the GOP’s big-government, big-spending leadership have waged an unrelenting war on tea party conservatives attempting to bring fiscal sanity to Washington.
As Greece nears the fiscal abyss for its profligate spending and debt, Americans are told the tea party’s stance on fiscal responsibility is “extremist.”
And the American people are buying it.
Heralding a new poll by the Gallup organization, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank crowed, “Democrats are more likely to call themselves liberal and Republicans are less likely to embrace the ‘conservative’ description, opting instead for moderate.”
And you can’t get any more moderate than former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Bush leading his closest GOP rival (Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker) by five points. But the same survey has Hillary beating Jeb by eight points.
Meanwhile, conservatives in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives are giving a hard time to the feckless Speaker John Boehner for his acquiescence to President Obama on trade and amnesty.
For their opposition, Boehner instituted retaliatory measures. In one example, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., was stripped of his House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee chairmanship for opposing a procedural motion that would have cleared the way for Boehner’s gift to Obama, the  passage of a fast-track trade bill. The conservative rebellion forced Boehner to turn to more friendly House members: Obama and Nancy Pelosi Democrats. The trade measure passed.
But Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, who chairs the Government Reform Committee, ousted Meadows because he also “vowed in February not to give another cent to the NRCC (National Republican Campaign Committee) after a Boehner-aligned outside group, the American Action Network, began running ads against Meadows and other conservatives,” said “The Hill,” a political website.
And a new super PAC, Right to Rise USA, is standing ready to do to Jeb’s conservative challengers what they are doing to conservative House members who won’t bend to the wishes of Boehner, Obama or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
“If Bush is to become the Republican [presidential] nominee, he will need a muscular organization throwing elbows at his opponents,” wrote Eliana Johnon, Washington editor for National Review.
Hillary will win because the Obama-appeasing, big-government, crony-capitalist, amnesty-loving establishment Republican leadership is more interested in saving its dying political influence than in saving our dying republic.
This at a time when, as Dana Milbank observed, “Republicans are less likely to embrace the ‘conservative’ description, opting instead for moderate.” A sizable number of these soft, marshmallow-middles will probably end up voting for Hillary.
In her book The Swing Vote,” author Linda Killian said, “The number of people who voted for [Bill] Clinton and a Republican for Congress that year [1996] was 13 percent, the highest level of split-ticket voting for a Democrat for president and Republicans for Congress in the history of the survey.”
I’m betting that Hillary will do much better.
In his new book “The Queen: The Epic Ambition of Hillary and the Coming of a Second ‘Clinton Era,’” Hugh Hewitt quips that the “best-positioned person to advise” Hillary on her strategy to “win the presidency is probably Karl Rove.” He adds that “whether he might help … depends on the nominee of the GOP.”
With establishment GOP super PAC ads attacking conservatives likely to alienate the party’s base and a majority of Republican voters likely to turn their party’s presidential nomination into a hereditary Bush-family title, the “architect” Rove will not have to advise Hillary on how to win a political campaign.
Republican moderates will seal the GOP’s dismal fate and catapult Hillary into the Oval Office.

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