We just need ONE Congressman to stand up and do the right thing ,so here we are at the end of Obama's second term with no Congressman standing up for the Constitution.

Oaths of office and allegiance have been features of government for centuries. When the United States were colonies of Great Britain, officials swore allegiance to the king. Colonial and state legislatures also created oaths that required members to swear allegiance to the state and often profess a belief in God as well. Today, Members of the House take an oath to uphold the Constitution in a group swearing-in on the House Floor on the opening day of a new Congress. Often, they pose for ceremonial photos individually with the Speaker following the official swearing-in.>>>>Continue Reading



The Constitutional Accountability Coalition of Tennessee (CACTN) is spearheading an effort with North American Law Center to find just one Congressman to step up and start the process to impeach President Obama.  This is a serious effort and a lot of time and planning has gone into this national movement.  The North American Law Center has drawn up a set of Articles of Impeachment crafted after the Articles served against President Nixon (the Articles can be found on the website).
Please take a few minutes to watch the 2 short videos below.  Visit the website www.cactn.weebly.com and REGISTER so you will be kept informed of our progress. 
There will be a national conference call with the North American Law Center to discuss this effort and to answer questions.  The call will be on Monday, June 29, 2015 at 7:30pm CST/8:30pm EST.
The call-in number is:  209-647-1600 PIN: 915138#

PLEASE share this information and encourage others to join CACTN.  It will take a lot of pressure from constituents but we just need ONE Congressman to stand up and do the right thing.  If you are confident and are on board already please contact your US Representative and explain what we are doing.  Ask if they would be in support of this effort and if they would be willing to start the process.  Then send that feedback to:  CACTENNESSEE@gmail.com    You can also send an email to the same email address from the ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT section on the website (look for the MAIL symbol located at the upper right hand corner of the page)  Using the feedback received from you (your name will never be used) CACTN will create a list of Reps that have been contacted and their response.  This list will posted on the website.



If you are interested in starting a sister group for your state (highly recommended to show national support) there are "how to" get started instructions.  You can also send an email and CACTN would be happy to help you get started.  CACTN does ask, for the sake of consistency, to keep the group name the same. CONSTITUTIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY COALITION OF (enter your state).
If not now, when?  If not us, who?

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