The Millennials' Guide to Saving the World: The War of 2016

Imagine yourself as a recruiter for the army of patriots organizing to save their nation

 The war of 2016.

If we are to unit and motivate in order to build an army to combat the forces that are gaining control of our future, we will need to simplify and define the message.
Imagine yourself as a recruiter for the army of patriots organizing to save their nation.  Your message must reach out to the young and too the old, it should be simple and to the point, easily understood.
The first thing required, would be that you believe in the message.  If you do not believe in what you are saying, there will be no passion to your presentation.  Without passion, there is no conviction. 
Without conviction and passion, well, you might want to consider another line of work because you will not have much success with your recruiting efforts.
Define the goal, understand what you need to do to contribute. 
Realize how winning or losing the fight will directly affect your life.
Accept things for what they are, and move forward.

Once you begin working to halt the destruction, once you become active in the fight to save America, you have become a Patriot.
Hold that thought, embrace it, and all it implies.  You are now actively a part of the nation’s history,  a member of a group  unique within the world.
American Patriots built this nation, they gave  this gift to the world, and were keeping the nation strong.
The quality of life you lead is a direct result of the efforts made by Patriots that fought to protect you,  before you joined the fight,  Your quality of life is in decline because patriotism is in decline, because the older patriots are fading away and are not being replaced. 
 Forget the distractions of the current new cycle.  Do not waste energy questioning why there is so much corruption, why nothing seems to make sense, why nothing is being done to correct the wrongs. 
Stop wasting valuable energies and start doing something  to correct the situation. Do not let the enemy keep you confused and distracted, do not let them keep us divided,  do not let them keep you from doing what you know you know must be done.

It does not need to be complicated.   Our side must will the election in 2016, if we do not win the presidency we must win a super-majority in the congress.

There is no other way to stay within the system of law and civility and bring about the changes needed at this point in the nation’s history
Patriotism is the ideology of America, it is the one thing everyone should be able to agree upon, it is the force that created the nation and it is the force that will restore it.
Remember that you are not alone. The more visible the army becomes, the more people will join in the battl
Campaigns and battles.
Battles are a part of the war, they are individual, unique, yet a part of the overall strategy.  Winning the war is the goal; battles are a way of achieving that goal.  
Wars, are fought and won by campaigns, winning the control of a geographical area, or another prize, like a campaign to inform and motivate our youth.  Campaigns, fought and won by battles, Battles fought and won by individuals.

The war of 2016, to win back our nation, is not one of capturing a territory; it is a war for the minds and the hearts of a people, a war of conflicting ideologies. 
It is the forces of Good against the forces of Bad.
Our war has two campaigns.
The first is the battle of the vote; the prize will be reclaiming our government.
The second campaign will be one to purge the corruption from our government, and too reinstate the constitution as our laws of governing.  Victory will restore our nation to its proper place in the hearts of its people and it’s status within the world community. 
Setting everything else aside:  We must inform and mobilize our nations young and help others, who are disillusioned, to re-discover a sense of direction.
The battle we must win is the battle for the vote, our army must cast more votes than theirs.  
Simple, easy to understand.
You, the successful recruiter of fellow patriots, are a unique individual; your personal battle is one of survival. 
If you are to win your personal battle, and contribute to winning the war, you need to recruit others and convince them to help you to survive. 
Accept and believe that it is personal, and the passion will come.

Thank you for your time,


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