An overwhelming sense of weariness assails me as I of read many of today's current events. Weary yes, surprised no, as our future slowly is revealed as though it were a great tapestry being unrolled before our eyes. Sadly, that future is so very predictable once you understand the driving force behind it. Before our last election I angered some of those who still had faith in the Republicans we were sending to Washington. I warned that nothing would change as both parties are in lock step with an agenda that is destroying this nation. Now, looking back, many realize that I was correct. Looking forward, for those who dare, reveals the same. The only thing that will change is that the treasonous will grow in power as we the people are left behind.

Another recent part of the vast Kabuki play has just been enacted and its very essence was one of our Republican leaders once again misleading the public in a show of bait and switch. Any reasonably well informed American is horrified at the recent 'negotiations' with Iran. We know all too well that nothing is being negotiated. The entire purpose of these meetings in Switzerland is to empower Iran and add yet more turmoil to the Middle East, while allowing Obama and John Kerry the opportunity to make their haughty speeches of how they are protecting America's best interests.

Knowing what I do of the national agenda I make no effort to contact any Congressional leader to express my concern on any issue. Not all of our people share that view and many have tried to light a fire under the treasonous Republicans, leading them to demonstrate their showmanship talents in 'opposing' Obama, and fighting for America. Rubbish! Just more Kabuki!
For much more, continue reading

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