Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results”…..with that in mind or in focus, I give you the term GOVERNMENT…….this Frankenstein Monster we’ve created & is wrongly thought to be the ANSWER to all things, isn't !!…..To use a Country Boy term, “Governments are like putting, TITS on a BULL, a total waste of time, effort & money….But if you’re a PARASITE on a FEEDING FRENZY….well hell, you’ve found a home  ….

THE MAD MUSLIM QUEEN is throwing another Sissy , Prissy, Childish Temper Tantrum this week over the FAUX, FAKE, PREPOSTEROUS ILLUSIONARY NUKE DEAL with his cousins & new best Buddies in his fight with ISIS…”IRAN”  …..It’s nothing more than a put up deal….Come "Hell OR High Water" Barry and the Communists & Communist sympathizers will MAKE SURE that IRAN gets the BOMB....That is the GAME he & George (Little Hitler) are Playing...Amongst the Ashes & Ruin will the New World Order plan be realized with Muslims as the ENFORCERS…..Because they HATE & they HATE COMPLETELY....Just like BARRY....

So now we have BARRY & his Multitudes of Communists calling the 47 senators who wrote a letter to the leaders in Iran……all Traitors…apparently to be drawn & quartered & hung at HIGH NOON Tomorrow… Remember now this is the same N.W.O. Puppet that said “Conservative Republicans” are a bigger threat to this country than, Radical Islam……He also said ISIS in no threat to us at all…they’re just “ Junior Varsity”….He also said AL-QAEDA  was on the run ….My Goodness one must keep a clear perspective about this … this NOT the man who KILLED….OSAMA BIN LADEN with a single shot , fired from around the world , that had to Ric-O-Shay off of countless Targets before hitting him RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES….
Now tell me how could we have ever been to lucky to find this MESSIAH ….We haven’t seen another like this SPLENDOR since HITLER or STALIN….look at what they did for Germany & Russia….I hate to be the Messenger of Doom here but , we have a Pathetic Pathological Sociopath Communist Muslim as our Queen Dictator because we are stupid brain-washed controlled Idiots…..who apparently prefer THE MAD DOG KENYON LIAR to a real honest life & existence…. Oh Well, we all know it’s George Bush’s Fault…

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