Barack Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate is a forgery.
I have spent the last couple years trying to tell my fellow
Americans. This forgery was an awakening for me to see how much is really
wrong in Washington DeCeit. The entire Congress of the United States of America
apparently knows the fraud around Barack Obama, and is deliberately ignoring
Mike Volin of http://www.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com/ has
taken the information to every member of congress. Check out what your
Representatives and Senators are ignoring.
The highest echelon of govt is complicit, compliant, or
silenced. Why? I can think of a dozen reasons, none of them good. Also, the
American media has been silenced from honestly reporting this fraud. Within 48
hours of Joe Arpaio announcing enough evidence to arrest a regular Joe, the
media was shut down from reporting this. Yes, our govt is so corrupt it has
destroyed the first amendment without Americans realizing it.
What is more, our govt has online operatives actively trying
to suppress the discovery of the truth. This is another story I wrote of my
experience trying to tell people the LFBC is a forgery. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=909663519045838&set=gm.382343168593178&type=1&theater
What is left for us to do?
A time is at hand for all good people to come to the aid of
their countrymen. We have gone to our leaders, they bitch slapped us away! They
allow truth to be ridiculed while fraud and lies are spinned. If corruption is
to be purged the people that know the fraud need to keep exposing it. So far,
that has not happened.
Many people know the fraud about Obama and are saying nothing.
Some do not want to smeared as racist. Other’s are just as afraid of the left
wing media as politicians seem to be. Others have seen Breitbart, Hastings, and
Clancy die under suspicious circumstances. Who wants to be a martyr. Others
argue there are more important issues to deal with like uncovering Benghazi,
the IRS, Fast and Furious, defeat amnesty, repeal Obamacare, create more jobs,
win an election, restore the Constitution and do not want to consider an
illegal candidate was put in.
This is not about disliking or getting rid of Obama. This is
about DeCeit power brokers that can and have put an illegal candidate in
office. This is about purging our govt of monstrous corruption that is eating
us alive. This is about not being beguiled by crisis after crisis into
surrendering our way of life to people we do not realize are domestic enemies.
This is about We The People taking control once again to ensure our govt is of
the people, by the people, and for the people.
Today, most Americans still think Obama is as legit as his
birth certificate. Consequently, they think nothing is really wrong. The
American public has been beguiled. If and when they learn the truth, they will
know it is time to get rid of everyone in Washington. When they know they have
been played for fools, they will clean house.
Show this nation it has been played for fools and useful
idiots. Show this nation that YES AMERICA: IT IS A FORGERY
Spread it far and wide. KEEP SPREADING IT. Plant it in the
social medias until everyone knows it.
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