Words By John Jay and first US Supreme Court Justice.

Read these words by Founding father John Jay and first US Supreme Court Justice. We The People have allowed the courts and the legal profession to hijack our government and steal our rights. Why? Because we let them.

How because we became so self absorbed that we forgot the duties of our citizenship, being self educated, thus allowing ourselves to be fully informed on the well enumerated constraints and the limited power and authority given to the federal government. John Jay also held it be our duty to only elect men with Christian values as our Constitution and our Republic was designed to function under the leadership of God Almighty. Our Constitution has is roots clearly in line with the Mayflower Compact which was derived from the book of Deuteronomy. For those who claim it is derived from English common law, remember and understand that English common law has its roots in Roman law which in turn has its roots in Levitical law, meaning it comes from the Book of Leviticus in the Bible.

It is time for the Christian men of this nation to stand up, to step and link up arm in arm and stand in the gap for our families. It is time take back our nation from the rogues we have elected in Congress and the rogues who have been appointed in the judiciary. I suspect that few of them even know or understand our Constitution and the rest of them ignore it and rely on an uninformed citizenry to wrest command and control from We The People. 

They are dangerously close to succeeding. The mandate sent to new republican majority has already been ignored. We have too few now serving who both understand and are in full support of constraining the rogue actions of our government. They, both parties working in concert with each other have stolen our rights, stolen our liberty and are stealing the American legacy. The legacy of a nation founded upon the moral laws given by God and conferred upon us. Christian men we need to stand on the purity of Christ and we need act with the full purpose he has given to us as men and as American men. Our goal is simple, educate, empower and encourage us to us our God inspired rights to restore our nation and restore her seat as the leader of liberty to the world. ~Benghazi~MLB

Yes, too bad that by the time we got to Chief Justice John Marshall, he decided that it belongs to the courts and the legislature as the courts allow.

Also too bad is that Jefferson's phrase "Separation of church and state" is so misunderstood. Christians point out that it is not in the Constitution and Christian haters (including activist judges), misinterpret it to mean no display of Christianity anywhere in public or by public employees.

The reality is that a true separation is EXACTLY what the Constitution established, and the Christians should love it, and the Christian haters would run from the phrase if ever upheld as the Constitution prescribes.
The establishment clause is very simple and in two parts.
"Congress shall pass no laws with regards to establishment of religion,"

Key words: Congress, laws, establishment

This clause refers specifically to Congress. As they are the only body charged with writing laws, this would also include the entire federal government because neither the judicial nor the executive branch has the constitutional authority to create law.

This clause is also specific in the term law. This means that, if it is not a law, they have done nothing wrong. If they allow prayer in any government gathering or on any federal land, that is NOT establishing LAW.
Finally, establishment...of religion. If a Senator or Representative hangs a cross on his door, does he create law or establish religion? Absolutely not. Any expression of religion by an individual or by Congress which is not mandated by law and does not establish religion is not a violation of the establishment clause. This includes all federal, state, city and other government employees and it also includes all federal, state, and local government lands. If it is not a law passed by Congress, and it does not establish a religion, it is not a violation of the Constitution.

On to the second part of the establishment clause:
"...nor prohibiting the free exercise of [religion].

This means that there can be no federal law which prohibits the free exercise of religion. There are no exceptions. It does not say, except for government employees. It does not say, except for on government property. It says that Congress can pass no laws which would prohibit the free exercise of religion. This means that if any government employee wants to decorate his/her office with Christian items, the federal government cannot create laws which would stop them. Public prayer by government employees....perfectly constitutional.

All of this can be summed up this way:

In Jefferson's phrase "separation of church and state" and in the Constitution, the separation is that Congress and the federal government have no authority whatsoever to write any laws with regards to religion. They have zero authority or power to do so.

It is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.

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