The Democrat's Did It Again

Here is a fax that went out today to every US Legislator and Committee.

It says:  “TOO BIG TO FAIL”

January 27, 2015

Dear Members of Congress and all Committees,

There are only $1 Trillion real US Dollars printed and circulating in the entire world, yet our children are being taxed to repay $18 Trillion fake US Dollars.

Our children can’t repay $18 Trillion fake US Dollars with only $1 Trillion real US Dollars. This is indentured slavery of our children through fake US Dollars.

This all happened because the “Too Big To Fail, Foreign Banks” bought US Treasury bonds with $18 Trillion Dollars worth of worthless checks.

The solution is simple. First we must immediately audit the Federal Reserve Bank to document the worthless checks and fake US Dollars. There are bills in both the US House, and the US Senate, to audit these transactions. Both bills allow one full year to complete the audit. One year is another $1 Trillion fake US Dollars added onto our children’s slavery.
Next we must find the courage to unite as one Nation, under God, dedicated to saving our children. We must allow these “Too Big to Fail, Foreign Banks” to fail. Either these banks will fail, or we will give our children into slavery for the rest of their lives. The choice is yours.

Dr. Bill Bledsoe
1520 Whiteoak Street
Spartanburg, SC 29307
(864) 921-6515

In a speech on the Floor of the House of Representatives in 1999, Congressman Dingell warns against repealing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. He argues that repealing the law would allow banks to become "too big to fail," which would cause instability in financial system. Nonetheless, Congress repealed the law and the nation suffered the tragic consequences of the 2008 financial crisis about a decade later.

Guess all those who voted for the bill Below ,Are Democrat's. 


Lobbyists will spend tens of millions to keep this plan for middle class Americans from happening.

The question is will middle class Americans spend a few $, come together, and make this plan for middle class America happen.!the-proposal/c1hj4
demonstrates how the issues surrounding social...

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