So here we are, the MUSLIMS of the WORLD are afraid of an ANTI-MUSLIM
Backlash......Well Pardon, who is it that's declared a Worldwide Jihad? Who is it
that's been KILLING CHRISTIANS & Beheading them? Who is it that's KEPT their
DAMN MOUTH SHUT all the while this was happening?....
Well all I have to allow is this: You made your bed SLEEP in it....MUSLIMS
& POLITICIANS are the TWO LOWEST life forms on this Planet....
And to all the IDIOTS like the BASTARD MUSLIM BARRY who protect your
smelly asses May you all BURN IN HELL....You deserve NOTHING BETTER.....
The LIBERALS of this WORLD have helped create this problem....And I have
little doubt that in their own Pathetic Way, BARRY, NANCY,HARRY & all the
rest of the BLITHERING IDIOTS in WASHINGTON are going to say it is all AMERICAS
fault these Misguided JHADEST of the WORD hate us....These MUSLIMS are just
Poor Little Misunderstood Urchins ...And if you believe this HORSES__T you are
God help us , The STUPID are MULTIPLYING & we sit here rubber stamping
this BEHAVIOR by PERMITTING it.....We did the same thing by looking the other way
as AMERICA slipped into this SOCIALIST STATE...
All I can say is that JESUS better come soon because there ain't going to
be anything or anyone left.....to go anywhere......This is UNBELIEVABLE...STUPIDITY REIGNS
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