Well here we are the FIRST DAY of 2015, so where are we now,
where are we heading & what are we doing? In recent weeks or days we have had BARRY tell us to OPEN OUR ARMS,
HEARTS & WALLETS to a NEW GENERATION of IMMIGRANTS…..Barry also decided on
his very on to KISS & MAKE-UP to CUBA & the CASTRO BROTHERS…..I was
surprised he didn’t PASS himself off as a New World Savant & say that Mohammad
came to him in a dream and said “Barry this is a good thing” for the world, for
you & SLAVERY everywhere….. We are also getting to WITNESS Firsthand, a
SPOILED BRAT SPAT between BARRY & the North Korean Boy Emperor….Dictator…
OK now what gets lost in all this Hyperbole, Pomp &
Rhetorical Bloviating is the FACT that these Third World Dictators are all PEAS
IN A POD…..Really now, what is the real difference between theses Self-Proclaimed
MASTERS OF THE WORLD? Well other than
Nationality NOT ONE THING…..except BARRY is a Rag-head MUSLIM….They are all Thin-Skinned
Narcissistic PRICKS who can’t handle or deal with ANY CRITICISM
whatsoever…..so they CONTROL the MEDIA…..the PROPAGANDA or the LIES if you will….
To those who want to see where AMERICAS future is you need
to look at CUBA, VENEZUELA & KOREA…..In effect we have the SAME CORRUPT
honest here America today is more like Russia of the 60’s & conversely
Russia is more like we were in the 60’s….Well….we have come a long way Baby….to
go NOWHERE…But most of the people in this Country are either TOO STUPID, TOO
BRAINWASHED or too FEARFUL of this GOVERNMENT to do anything about it….The
POLICE STATE here is emerging and we seem to be sitting on our comfortable perches
content to do either Nothing about it or DENY it altogether ….Boy are we ever
Brilliant or What???
We need to get a grip on reality or what is real or truth…..NOTHING
you HEAR from this GOVERNMENT IS TRUTHFUL & nothing you hear on GOVERNMENT
MEDIA is the TRUTH either ....What is it going to take to wake up the insufferable
IDIOTS of this world that this is the GOOD versus EVIL BATTLE Royal …front
& center….He who hesitates LOSES ……If you’ve been diagnosed with CANCER ,
can you WISH it away or PRETEND it’s not there…..This Country via its Corrupt
Leadership as well as its own insufferable arrogance (It can’t happen here) is
on a LIFE-LINE….the Clock is TICKING & Time is becoming very short…All I can
say that IF your into the “CUBA, CASTRO, KOREA & BARRY” type of GOVERNMENT you’re
in HOG HEAVEN…..I wish all of you IDIOTS that approve of this MUSLIM IDIOT,
would have just got on a PLANE, BOAT or TRAIN ….and left this COUNTRY ALONE….And
I fully Recognize that you want be HAPPY till everyone on this EARTH is just as
MISERABLE as you are….
Sign on company bulletin
board: “This firm requires no physical-fitness program. Everyone gets enough exercise
jumping to conclusions, flying of the handle, running down the boss, flogging
dead horses, knifing friend in the back, dodging responsibility, and pushing
their luck.”
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