If you just got off a Spaceship from MARS & you walked into the Chambers of Congress, The Senate & then visited the WHITE HOUSE as it was having one of it's strategy sessions with the Boys at MSNBC....AL SHARPTON, CHRIS MATTHEWS or ED SCHULTZ……What could you say or think about what you observed?……Would you honestly think for just ONE SECOND, let along any amount of time that you were in the ,”Presence of Brilliance, of Talent, of Humble , of Honest, Insightful thought provoking PEOPLE?

What would you see if you looked into the EYES, into the SOULS and into the HEARTS of this reputed Species of some kind of Humanoid? What would your Eyes, your Mind & your Heart tell you? Would you have that moment of “Calming ZEN” overwhelming you?…..Or peace?…sincerity?….bliss?….let along relief?, Would you believe that through all the ordeals, the trials or tests in life that you were in the BEST POSSIBLE HANDS?….

QUESTION: Out of the 537 Elected Parasites are there any you would want to buy a CAR from? A HOUSE or HOME? Don’t they SORT-OF give you the CREEPS? Like you want to bathe or wash your hands for FILTH or GERMS? If that’s the Case Why do we entrust our whole lives with them, by voting them into office time & time & time gain?

If what the Media is selling, that BLACKS don’t trust the POLICE…….Has any truth or validity  whatsoever…..Why in the WORLD aren’t we TALKING about our lack of TRUST & DISGUST with these COWARDS we call our LEADERS?…It’s because we FEAR them and with that I can surmise that they actually EXTORT their votes …....

Sadly I don’t know which is worse this countries ELECTED LEADERS or our apparent STUPIDITY or is it a SUICIDAL WISH by allowing this Fiasco , Farce, Fake Charade to continue for ONE SECOND LONGER….So when its all said and done…  TRUST, WHO DO YOU BELIEVE?.....Me?…not this COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT!!!!

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