Obama’s birth certificate: I decided to dig into this issue until I understood why people said it is a forgery, and why people say it is genuine.  The only reason to believe the LFBC is genuine is if MRC compression was used. Why it is a forgery is because of layers, a links palette, different fonts, kerning, typewriter misalignment, words used, identical elements, and  the lack of the properties of a scanned pdf file on the supposedly scanned document tells me it is a forgery.

The birth certificate is only the beginning. Obama’s SSN has problems. His selective service card appears tampered with. He only has one citizen parent and possible dual citizenship issues.  What passport was used when he went to Indonesia and back to Hawaii? What passport was used in 1981 when he traveled to Pakistan, India, and Indonesia around Ramadan? Why was his passport file illegally accessed three times? What is his actual foreign student status? Why did he room with foreign students?  How come all this got ignored? But nothing seems to be more in your face to the American public than Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate.

Anybody that questions Obama’s LFBC gets smeared as a birther. The first people to call Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate a forgery, was photoshoppers. The defenders of Obama’s birth certificate know this full well, but continue to use the ‘Birther’ term as a pejorative on those photoshoppers. These are people that knew how to examine a pdf file in graphics software. They ranged from amateurs to people that made a living with graphics software.  This video was done the day the LFBC was posted and shows several anomalies.

I was challenged to consider the Xerox WorkCentre as proving the authenticity of Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate. The WorkCentre is an expensive, high end, multi-function copier that was used to copy Obama’s 2010 tax return that was put on the White House website. That tax return showed  the 042-68-4425 SSN of Obama’s that cannot pass e-verify. It assumes the WorkCentre scan to e-mail feature automatically optimized the pdf file of Obama’s birth certificate and thereby caused the anomalies in the BC.

This link will take you too many articles discussing the WorkCentre and related issues.  It can be very informative but very time consuming to follow the links. I easily spent 15 hours at least reviewing articles and videos on one day.

These videos are what the articles are referencing.
President Obama's birth certificate is not a forgery - Part 1
President Obama's Birth Certificate Is Not a Forgery - Part 2  (This is basically the same as part-1 in the second half)

The LFBC is supposed to be a scanned copy of a certified document that came from Hawaii. These next two videos show the difference between the properties of a scanned LFBC and how the WH image is. The WorkCentre video only shows them creating a birth certificate, not the differences as shown here. Compare these to the first 6 minutes of  “not a forgery – Part 1”  1:37  2:28

At about 7:27 “not a forgery” shows the whole image rotated wrong because it was opened in Illustrator. This is misleading, because the rotation problems were related to some of the individual layers, not the entire image. How do individual layers get rotated and scaled in size? You can see it here from 1:20 to 3:30 - Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 4 ( OCR / Optimizing ) 

What is supposed to be the real nail in the coffin is the software algorithm of Mixed Raster Content (MRC) compression. This is to be the reason for anomalies  in the LFBC. The Xerox WorkCentre scan-to-email function automatically uses MRC optimization. The second half of part 1 purportedly shows how optimization created the anomalies.

The use of the WorkCentre with the LFBC has never been verified. We do not know if it was actually used.  Other re-creations using MRC compression do not line up with the compression in the WorkCentre.  You can see it here:   In the ”faked in Adobe” video at the 10:00 mark, shows another optimization. You can see what happens to the links palette that showed the rotation problems as well.

So the WorkCentre re-creation does not seem to match other MRC compression re-creations. No explanation for the layer rotations is given. Differences in the scan properties are not explained either. I believe the WorkCentre explanation falls short.

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