Michael Bowman

All spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, be passed in there, then passed by the Senate and signed into law or allowed to become law by the President. Still people will argue that we don't need to infuse new blood, fresh ideas and a corrected vision for America,

Fifty three percent of Congress are lawyers and have been for far too long. Lawyers have given us nearly $18 trillion dollars in debt. They have brought over eight hundred thousand of their profession under the employ of your hard earned tax dollars, tasking them with regulating your lives in ways that greatly outstrip the limited enumerated constitutional power and authority of the federal government. They also have in far too many cases given them the authority to assess fees, assessments and fines which by definition are all taxes WITHOUT your ability to elect them, that is clearly taxation without representation and it is illegal and unconstitutional. The only way government can or will change is if "We The People" force it to change by how we exercise our most valuable asset, OUR VOTE!

The choice is clear, clean house by electing someone you chose from your peers and no longer accept a candidate that is chosen for you to elect by a political party that serves the highest bidder and not the people. Value your vote and then return America to the path that has made her so great. Preserve the liberty and freedom of all citizens, constrain and control the actions of government. Judge your elected leaders by what they do to restore and preserve your liberty and not by how many laws they enact and how much money they waste buying your votes. Like and share if this makes sense and you agree.

The 2014 mid term elections are as I predicted a stop gap election and only one that can begin to turn the tide of federal oppression if the people themselves begin to engage themselves from this day forth in the workings and the future electing of servants to the people. Until or unless we as the moral majority in this nation stand up and put a stop to both rogue legislators and rogue jurists who are both guilty of ignoring OUR Constitution and subverting it against the will of the majority in this nation. The legal profession is less than one half of one percent of our population and they have clearly violated the founding principles of our constitutionally formed representative republic which is NOT a democracy. It is the duty and also the necessity that all voters educate themselves to the proper duty of publicly elected servants of the people and from this day forward only accept candidates on the ballot who fully and completely understand their limited duty and their even further limited authority. ~Benghazi~MLB

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