A Wonderful Life Comes With Lessons For The Soul


On Christmas Day in 1946, the movie, "It's A Wonderful Life," was released. Generations have viewed the story of George Bailey, a good, godly man in the town of Bedford, who met with devastating circumstances and came to wish that he had never been born.  God sent an angel to reveal to him the consequences of his absence in so many lives. George came to see that what mattered were the people.... his wife, his children, his family and all the good friends of Bedford...... LOVE that was the blessing from God all around him, no matter the circumstances that befall.

While we seek and accept our Heavenly Father in our lives, we still remain in the world, the fallen world.  We still have a sinful nature that we must control. We still have the temptations from our enemy, Satan. We still deal with people who seek to destroy our joy and increase their gains,  just as Mr. Potter in the movie sought to do with George Bailey.

Being a Christian begins the earthly battle as the prince of this earth will attack our journey with God. Being a Christian does not make us immune to "trouble," but our Lord came to save us and teach us and guide us, and in his love and grace direct our paths and hold us up as we travel in this fallen world.

God has a purpose for each one of us.  Some troubles are of our own making by our own choices.  Sometimes God will allow circumstances to surround us in order that our lessons in them will increase our faith, our maturity as a Christian, our trust in Him, and to seek His Word for our wisdom in Him.  Sometimes we must go through difficult times to be able to appreciate what is truly important and to be able to reject the false substances that we may incorrectly place as our priorities for joy and happiness.

As we journey on this earth among the trials and among the fallen ones, may we remember the One, True Light of a Savior sent to save you for an eternal life with Him in heaven.  May we first seek Him when our troubles mount. May we trust that He will be there through it with us. May we seek His path when others tell us we must give in to another way.  May we never give up or give in to the doubts of His love and provision no matter what we are going through.

We may not have an angel to journey through lessons with as George Bailey did, but we have the Holy Spirit living in us to seek and guide and provide in our needs.

Seek your Heavenly Father in all things for He is in them all.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."   John 16:33                                                              

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