The Day is Here

The day is here when Christians suffer much;
They're taunted, tortured, murdered for their Lord.
They bear the cross as He once bore it such,
Then kneel and lose their head by brutal sword.
They must not be ashamed to claim His name;
They could have lied and stayed alive instead,
But these great martyrs boldly do exclaim
And glorify our God to lose their head.
Don't be ashamed if you must suffer, too,
The blades and hammers of such men that hate
Because you call Christ Lord and His word true.
Exalt the name of Jesus; don't abate!
            He suffered much and died upon the cross.
            Can you not stand for Him whate'er the loss?
Yet if any man suffer as a Christian,
let him not be ashamed;
but let him glorify God on this behalf.

1 Peter 4:16 KJV

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