Come on ye children gather round & listen to what I say, I am here to protect & save, you from all of harm’s way…..And tho Goliath be big & strong I’ll protect you from his wrath, And I’ll provide you shelter from the storm while you’re on your path ….you’re just a little lamb please allow me to see your dream, and yes I look like a wolf man, It doesn’t mean a thing……..And on the count of three let’s all start to sing….Hail to the Fairy Queen…..
BUT PARDONEZ MOI, that might as well be the PROPAGANDA SONG for a 3 year old in pre-school……..It would seem to me & my cynical & sarcastic point of view you’d have to be deaf, dumb & blind not to hear the volumes of lies & hyperbole that spew & regurgitate everyday…..Starting in WASHINGTON and traveling to the Media (Propaganda) centers in New York & LA……..I mean hell these Kings & Queens (more the latter) have their very own Ego-Driven , Dog & Pony show on C-SPAN every day……Hell I’m just waiting for the day the REAL SPONSORS (those who have paid to play) & the Members of the Shadow Government start running adds……Bought off, paid off, they ain’t ever going to back off Politician Asses that dictate power……Not to mention the Supreme Mullah Fascist POS………QUEEN-BEE ……..And her edicts or proclamations ……..Crap may all of their assholes grow together & they explode……Now that’s a ugly thought….
I’m old enough to remember in the 50’s when this government outlawed,” Subliminal Messaging ‘ at the movie theaters ………No, no, no they couldn’t allow brainwashing technics to ever be used without their permission & their direction ……but it had to me a targeted message & Government Approved……..So the end result was this…they couldn’t/can’t allow you to go buy popcorn & a coke ( And Not Knowing why) but it was just fine with them to use the science or technology to get us to OBEY the Governments Bullshit….. PARDONEZ MOI, lies & illusions……The illusions don’t have to be real, they just need for you to BELIEVE & become a BELIEVER ( A DAYDREAM BELIEVER if you will)……What’s that saying , tell a lie often enough & it become real……Well it seems to me we are knee-deep in Government Bullshit…

So in my opinion this government has lied about wars……It’s lies about the reasons for wars …..It lies about our freedoms……It lies about our debt……..It lies about corruption……It lies about how it uses…what once was our money…..It lies about the success of any & all programs……And it LIED BIG TIME about who created all the problems we have……,they CREATED all these problems & you really, really expect them …..the authors of the problem to fix it……give me a break……that kind of STUPID I’m not…

You know, trust is earned & not given……You blow it & it’s over…..history…..fin……the end……And we know every parsed & nuanced thing we hear from anyone with a Washington DC address is true…..Because they would never, never, never LIE to the AMERICAN SHEEPHERDER’S ASSOCIATION…..Formally known as people or citizens ……and of course we know that everything that that comes from the Supreme Fairy Mullah’s mouth comes straight from the “fountain of knowledge”……he/she or it has a direct line to GOD…..you can bet your life on that one……Hell I should be standing ,saluting & crying……over the Immaculate Faggots Rise to Power……aren’t we lucky to have found this little swaddling urchin bastard in KENYA……Oh but hold on now, pro favor, the man in the machine who clams to know everything , is going to take us down the hall…but for now gather round & together let’s sing…..JUST FOLLOW THE LITTLE BOUNCING BALL…….

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