Ferguson Formula, (Race Baiters + MSM) - Facts = (Racial Divide + Rioting)

The Racial Divide--how often has that phrase been uttered. Just as Obama appears to be struggling to maintain his relevancy after the electorate overwhelmingly rejected his "policies on the ballot", Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson appear to be doing the same. They have not moved out of the 1960's. They continue to perpetuate the perception of the outright virulent racism of the past.
Either they are oblivious to the fact that big government perpetuates the culture of dependence/victimization among certain groups (i.e. minorities and women) in order to maintain control and power, or they are complicit so as to enhance their own personal gains.
Ah yes, our old friends cronyism and greed continue to rear their ugly heads to the detriment of not only certain groups, but to the very fabric of our society.
The entire Ferguson disaster can be laid at the feet of the race mongers and the corrupt MSM which is no longer interested in reporting the news. They engage in sensationalism and outright complicity at the behest of their masters.
Obama's double edged response to the riots, and Holder's continuing "investigations" did nothing to alleviate the situation either in Ferguson or for the future of race relations.
One would almost be led to believe that they welcome chaos and anarchy, while the MSM gobbles it up.

The following excerpt from Frontpage Mag clearly states it: 
  The grand jury met 25 times over the course of three months and heard testimony from 60 witnesses. They contemplated charges ranging from first-degree murder to involuntary manslaughter, and the bar for indictment was “probable cause,” not the far more onerous standard of determining “beyond a reasonable doubt” whether a crime had been committed. A plethora of evidence from the proceedings was released, demonstrating how the jury came to the conclusions it did. It included testimony from Wilson himself, physical evidence, and other eyewitness testimony, including some from black Americans who corroborated Wilson’s version of events. ”They determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against Officer Wilson, and returned a ‘No True Bill’ on each of the five indictments,” explained McCulloch.
None of it mattered to the mob—or seemingly the media either. McCulloch faced a hostile press during his post-announcement interview, one that has characterized that interview as “bizarre,” no doubt in response to his contention the media’s “insatiable appetite for something, for anything to talk about, following closely behind with the non-stop rumors on social media,” contributed to the firestorm surrounding this case.That would be the same media that initially lionized Brown’s friend, Dorian Johnson, whose thoroughly debunked eyewitness testimony about Brown being shot in the back while holding his hands up in surrender, epitomized the sensationalism that ignited the national firestorm. Johnson’s lie propelled much of the violence and unrest that followed, initiating the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” meme that remains prevalent to this day. It was the same media that perpetrated the “gentle giant” meme to describe the 6’4’’ nearly 300-pound Brown, only to see it undone by his participation in a strong-arm robbery of a much smaller store owner just prior to his confrontation with Wilson. It was the media who leaked information during the grand jury proceedings, drawing a rebuke from an “exasperated” Holder, despite the reality that MSNBC, The New York Times and the Daily Caller all cited the administration and the Justice Department itself as sources of those leaks. That would be the same Eric Holder who ginned up mistrust of the police when he spoke to 50 community leaders, not just as Attorney General of the United States, but “as a black man” who remembers how “angry” he was when police stopped him for speeding on the New Jersey Turnpike.    entire post

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