Humble Pie

What is humility?

Torah teaches us to "Humble" ourselves to the LORD our G-d. I see people often times "religious" ones who think that putting themselves down is "humility". Well, it's not. Actually it has nothing to do with being inferior or the other being superior. When we meet a fellow human being we should not fall down and tell them how "undeserving" we are as it has nothing to do with it.That would be "false humility".

Being "humble" means to understand and know that we are dependent on G-d and that we are to "share each others burdens as being one" with G-d and each other.

This is true humility, knowing that apart from Him, (we) can do nothing. In a nutshell, it's the Truth. We can't even draw our next breath without Him who gives it. So, why do we try and do things without Him?

Now, how silly do we feel when we do. The only thing we can do is exist within this physical realm. When it comes to things of life and the Spirit only He can accomplish the impossible and if you need the impossible done you will have to "humble" yourself, get out of His way and let Him do what He does. Miracles.

L'Shalom A'chotim

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