Judith Ann
"CODE ENFORCEMENT" harasses businesses daily and have been responsible for causing many to go out of business. The result of too many Communists on our town boards.
GOVERNMENT JOBS OUTSOURCED: Currently, about 40 state governments are outsourcing government jobs like issuing welfare checks and food stamps through overseas call centers.
V.A. ACCUSED OF EXCESSIVE OUTSOURCING OF VET'S JOBS: The Veterans Affairs Department is being accused of undermining its own goal of hiring more veterans by expanding its outsourcing practices that eliminate many federal jobs currently, or historically, held by veterans, according to the union representing 205,000 employees at the VA. In November, President Barack Obama signed into law the “VOW to Hire Heroes Act,” which included language to set up an expedited process for hiring returning solders for federal jobs. But the VA’s own outsourcing, which began to grow under the Bush Administration and are continuing to expand, are abolishing many federal jobs currently held by veterans, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), an AFL-CIO union, said in a Feb. 8 news release. For example, the Veterans Benefits Administration recently entered into a $54 million three-year contract with ACS Government Systems to perform claims processing work. That work currently is being performed by “large numbers of veterans,” the union said. “To add insult to injury, the VBA employees are being asked to volunteer to train the contractors to do their work.” “Contract claims processors working for profit will now handle the most personal information of our veterans.” AFGE National President John Gage said in the release. In several other outsourcing contracts in recent years, the VA also has gotten rid of many government jobs historically held by veterans, AFGE said. Other jobs recently outsourced by VA medical centers and cemeteries, which historically had been held by veterans, included cemetery caretakers, laundry and food service workers, housekeepers, groundskeepers and transportation assistants.
The VA also has failed to comply with a 2009 law that requires the agency to do a cost-benefit analysis before each outsourcing contract is awarded, to determine whether the contract is cost-effective for taxpayers, the union said. “The agency continues to violate federal law by contracting out work that has been traditionally performed by veterans,” the union said. “The outsourced jobs include many entry level jobs that disabled veterans rely on to get back on their feet after returning from the battlefield.” The union also claimed the VA conducts “excessive contracting” of physician and nursing services rather than hiring clinicians from within the military.
OUTSOURCED VETERANS JOBS: Under the Obama Administration, the illegal outsourcing of entry-level VA jobs has become more prevalent. The VA hires more veterans than any other federal agency except the Department of Defense. However, according to the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the AFL-CIO union that represents over 205,000 VA employees, the agency continues to violate federal law by contracting out work that has been traditionally performed by veterans.
NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT: Since the (NAFTA) was signed in 1993, the rise in the U.S. trade deficit with Canada and Mexico through 2002 has caused the displacement of production that supported 879,280 U.S. jobs. Most of those lost jobs were high-wage positions in manufacturing industries. The loss of these jobs is just the most visible tip of NAFTA’s impact on the U.S. economy. More than 1.3 million additional Western jobs will vanish by 2014 due to "the accelerated movement of work to India and other offshore locations.
GULF OIL SPILL: Cumberland Advisers, a Sarasota, Florida-based investment advisory firm, has projected that the “Gulf Oil” spill will cost 1 million permanent jobs in the next five years.
G.E., moving it's 115 year old X-ray division to China. They are investing 2 billion in China and training over 65 engineers to create 6 research centers. This is the same G.E. that made 5.1 billion in the U.S. last year but paid no taxes. The same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States. President Obama appointed G.E. Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs.
CASH FOR CLUNKERS: The governments “Cash For Clunkers” program was the cause of hundreds of car dealers to go out of business waiting for payment from the government. Under the program, people who scrap their gas guzzlers can get a voucher worth up to $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. Dealers essentially front the money for the cash incentive with the understanding that the government will reimburse them once they file the necessary paperwork online and the deal is approved. The rules assured that participating dealers will be reimbursed within ten days, but that just didn’t happen. Under this program 2,200 Auto Dealerships closed and in excess of 120,000 jobs were lost.
After Taking In the Clunkers, Car Dealers Report an Extended Wait for the Cash
Obama Didn’t Save the Auto Industry: He Took Away 2,200 Dealerships and 120,000 Jobs
Obama Wants to Repeat “Success” of Auto Bailout With Every Industry …(Auto Bailout Cost Taxpayers $23 Billion)
U.S. JOBS OUTSOURCED: U.S. jobs are lost as a direct result of overseas outsourcing. Forrester Research estimates that 3.3 MILLION white collar jobs will be outsourced by the year 2015 (Drezner, 2004).
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA: represents the likes of Time Warner, Dell, KPMG LLP, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and Verizon. Since 2000, more than 2 MILLION jobs have been lost to countries like India and Mexico.
TRADE WITH CHINA COST U.S. 2.7 MILLION JOBS: Since China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001, the massive increase in Chinese exports to America and China’s unfair trade practices have cost Americans more than 2.7 million jobs, according to a new report. “The growing trade deficit with China has been a prime contributor to the crisis in U.S. manufacturing employment,” states the report from the Economic Policy Institute. U.S. imports from China have soared from $102 billion in 2001 to $398.5 billion last year. Meanwhile American exports to China have grown from $18 billion in 2001 to $96.9 billion in 2011, producing a trade deficit last year of more than $300 billion.
U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms: Cities hire Chinese instead of American workers for building projects.
TEXAS: $5 BILLION (Obama contracted the job to China. I-635 is being rebuilt with underground tolls from I-35 to I-45).
NEW YORK: $400 MILLION (Obama contracted the job to China. The Alexander Hamilton Bridge).
CALIFORNIA: $7.2 BILLION (Obama contracted the job to China. Bridge to connect San Francisco & Oakland).
ALASKA: $190 MILLION (Obama contracted the job to China).
MTA outsources $235M Verrazano Bridge project to China; The agency says it could not find an American company capable of making the high-tech steel plates it wants, but critics say the decision came down to cheaper labor.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority outsourced a $235 million renovation project to China for work on the statuesque steel span — over the protests of hard-up American steelworkers who say they could do the job.
KEYSTONE PIPELINE: "TENS OF THOUSANDS" OF JOBS-TO CHINA NOT THE U.S.!!! When President Barack Obama blocked the Keystone Pipeline, Republicans said the move would encourage Canada to pursue oil deals with China instead of the United States and cede a massive chunk of North American oil assets to the communist nation. Now, China’s state-run oil company CNOOC is poised to cut a $15.1 billion deal–the largest ever foreign acquisition for a Chinese company–with Canadian oil company Nexen.
After Obama Blocks Pipeline, China Readies $15.1B Canadian Oil Deal
GE Ex-CEO Takes On White House Via Twitter Over Jobs Data
Facts and Figures on Outsourcing
States Tackle Outsourcing http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,117432,00.html
The Effects of U.S. Outsourcing to China - Made in America” is quickly becoming a lost phrase
Sending Jobs Overseas: The Cost to America’s Economy and Working Familieshttp://staging.workingamerica.org/upload/OutsourcingReport.pdf
Google cutting 4,000 workers at Motorola Mobility: Dominance, profit, or safety?
Obama could take one symbolic step on his own that would create jobs for about a dozen American workers. It involves the construction of a memorial and statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. on our National Mall. After all, King's historic 1963 march on Washington was about jobs and poverty – so why not have some of our highly-skilled bricklayers and stone masons who're now unemployed build this monument in honor of King's legacy?
Seems sensible, but guess what? The quasi-governmental foundation overseeing the King memorial project doesn't seem to have much sense. It is importing eight to 12 workers from – believe it or not – China to do this job!
ILLINOIS GUN WORKS: The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a citation, along with a proposed fine of $111,000 fine (OSHA), against Illinois Gun Works–a gun store and gunsmith business which has a shooting range and teaches safety classes. Many of alleged OSHA violations at the safety training range involved noise exposure for the instructors. Among OSHA’s suggestions were to eliminate training in “larger caliber” handguns such as “9 mm Luger and/or .45 Colt” and substitute “handguns of smaller caliber,” such as .22LR. And “Prohibition of any shotguns and/or rifles firing in the firing range.” (p. 6). In other words, eliminate training for all firearms except those which are least likely to have the stopping power to be effective for self-defense. And ensure that the range can never provide students with personal instruction in the use of the firearms which constitute the vast majority of firearms which people actually own. Among the “violations” noted in the citation: An instructor on the range wore Howard Leight Impact Sport Electronic Earmuffs, which allegedly provided insufficient noise protection. Another violation: “A gun range instructor conducting shooter instruction was observed reaching down on the range floor to collect a loaded handgun cartridge. The employee was not wearing any hand protection such as gloves.
RICK REESE GUN SHOP: Rick Reese and his family ran a gun shop outside of Deming, N.M., for more than 17 years. A task force led by Homeland Security Investigations – including hundreds of federal, state, county and local officers, helicopters, armored personnel carriers and numerous police cruisers – stormed the Reese property. Officers broke into the store and the basement storage space where they confiscated the store’s inventory, hundreds of guns, almost 2 million rounds of ammunition and more than a dozen empty gun safes. Officers also broke into the Reese home and seized firearms, jewelry, cash and a coin collection Rick Reese had been building since he was a young boy. Vehicles, bank accounts and real estate were also seized. Federal prosecutors initiated forfeiture proceedings last December in an effort to make the seizures permanent before the family even went to trial, which locked up most of the family’s assets leaving them with little means to pay for legal assistance to fight the charges and the forfeiture efforts. All of this happened to the backdrop of breaking news about agents of the ATF and Department of Justice instructing firearms dealers to sell large numbers of guns and ammunition to known Mexican arms traffickers in an operation called “Fast and Furious.” In all, about 2,000 guns were allowed to “walk” out of federal control or monitoring, and most of them ended up in the hands of criminals in Mexico. U.S. Attorney Ken Gonzales declared: “This case serves to put firearms dealers on notice that they will be held accountable for any failure to comply with federal firearms laws.” Observers who have been following the “Fast and Furious” debacle, which has led to a “contempt of Congress” charge against Attorney General Eric Holder – yet led to no serious personnel actions against those responsible, much less criminal charges – marveled that U.S. Attorney Gonzales could make that statement with a straight face. Absent an accounting for “Fast and Furious, ”aggressively going after gun dealers whose primary crimes appear to have been either paperwork errors or a lack of a psychic ability to read a buyer’s mind is an outrage.” There is a provision in federal law specifically designed to protect gun dealers from having their inventory confiscated. That protection was included in the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act, or FOPA. The Reese family lawyers filed a motion for the trial judge to enforce those protections, but he rejected the motion. After almost a year in jail and a three-week trial, a jury has declared the members of the Reese family not guilty on 24 of the 28 counts against them.
Gun dealer Reese takes defense stand in firearms smuggling case
CENTRAL RADIO COMPANY: (Federal Government declared Eminent Domain to take over his property for a mall. After 75 years in business, with over 140 employees) Central Radio Company NORFOLK, Va. Over 100 employees and in business 75 years, with 50 years on 39th street and Hampton Boulevard; fixing communication systems for the Navy for decades, but now Old Dominion University, through the Norfolk Redevelopment Housing Authority (NRHA), wants the property on 39th Street for retail shopping.
CENTRAL RADIO CO. Norfolk Businessman fighting NRHA-ODU
THE GREAT GIBSON GUITAR RAID: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed -"They...come in with weapons, they seized a half-million dollars worth of property, they shut our factory down, and they have not charged us with anything," says Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, referring to the August 2011 raid on his Nashville and Memphis factories by agents from the Departments of Homeland Security and Fish & Wildlife. At issue is whether the wood was the correct level of thickness and finish before being exported from India. They were told after three raids that if they move their operation to Madagascar they would be left alone. http://reason.com/blog/2012/02/23/the-great-gibson-guitar-raid-months-late
GREAT BROOK FARM ICE CREAM STAND & DAIRY: Armed Officers Shut Down Mass. Ice Cream Stand Indefinitely (Owner redecorated and was shut down by a swat team putting himself and 14 other employees out of work)
MICHAEL TAYLOR, a former attorney for the US Department of Agriculture and lobbyist for Monsanto was recently appointed to a federal role as the deputy commissioner for foods at the U.S. FDA. Last year, over 300,000 organic farmers from around 60 family farms were put out of business because of Monsanto and Taylor on trumped up charges that the farmers were stealing Monsanto's GMO seeds.
800,000 ACRES OF LOST CROPS! THE STATE WILL NOT RELEASE WATER FOR THE FARMERS, THE FIRST TIME IN THE 54 YEAR HISTORY OF THE STATE WATER PROJECT. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-02-21/feds-withhold-water-california-farmers-first-time-54-years
Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America
Beginning April 1st 2012, Michigan’s “Invasive Species Order” (ISO) makes raising certain types of free range pigs a felony crime punishable by up to four years in prison. The order allows the Michigan DNR to seize and destroy the free range breeds without compensating the farmers whose pigs are killed. Remember, these are the same type of pigs that small family farmers have been successfully raising for decades in Michigan. In fact, the order is so brood that almost all pigs, with the e xception of those raised in large commercial slaughterhouses, would be effected. These farmers are now stuck with only two choices, face the prospect of becoming a felon or see their farm shutdown and their livelihood taken away. Graphic photos have surfaced of the baby pigs and momma pigs that a Michigan farmer was forced to shoot in cold blood to avoid being arrested as a felon. This is the latest development in the outrageous story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which conducted armed raids on multiple farms, using police state legal tactics to trespass onto private property and search for any living pigs that they consider to be "feral" breeds. In reality, these breeds have been raised as domesticated livestock by Michigan farmers for decades.
"ENDANGERED SPECIES" "DELTA SMELT FISH" CAUSED GREAT JOB AND FOOD LOSS: California's Central Valley is considered by many to be the richest and most productive farmland in the nation. But this land is being threatened by the small, harmless-looking minnow called the delta smelt. Recently, it has landed on the endangered species list, causing a federal court to shut down vital pumps to farmers to help preserve it." For the first time ever, farmers may be completely cut off from one of their sources of water. Farmers don't have access to this water that runs right through the center of their farmland. It is being allocated to the delta smelt, a little fish protected by the Endangered Species Act. We are talking about lots of jobs. We went to the food bank. The line was wrapped around the block because people don't have food. (This was in 2009) All of the farmers along all of this land, two-thirds of the state of California, have depended on water to grow their crops. But the water is turned off here. None of these farmers can expect to get any water. (The last I heard it caused a loss of 300,000 farmers)
California Moves to Take Away Citizens Right to Board Cows, Goats
Kalkaska County Pig Farmer Forced to Kill Pigs Due to DNR Ban - Northern Michigan's News Leader
Michigan Invasive Swine Species Order Leaves Farm Families in Legal Limbo, on Verge of Financial Ruin
Factory Farms Behind Pig Genocide in Michigan-RT America Network Digs Out the Truth about Michigan Swine ISO
NaturalNews exclusive: Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035585_Michigan_farms_raids.html#ixzz29IWJQvcj
Bakers Green Acres vs. Michigan DNR - Family Farm Under Attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=843yH_0RMIA
Farmers are being forced to slaughter their animals on mass around the world, leading to what experts believe will be the biggest meat and dairy price hike on record.http://www.mindfood.com/at-mass-animal-slaughter-food-price-hike.seo
HOGOCAUST? Farmers forced to slaughter healthy swine or face jail time
Price Of Pork Products Under Threat As UK Pig Farmers Exit The Market
American’s Wake Up! The Rest of the World is Free to Drink Raw Milk
Federal Government Wants Michigan Dairy Shut Down
California's Man-Made Drought
Farmers vs. Fish Amid the California Drought (FOOD & JOB LOSS)
FNC: Drought-Stricken Farmers Lose Fight for Water to Endangered Fish - A federal court which ordered that one of their sources of water be shut down due to fears that irrigation would harm an endangered species of fish, the delta smelt. Earhardt began: "California's Central Valley is considered by many to be the richest and most productive farmland in the nation. But this land is being threatened by the small, harmless-looking minnow called the delta smelt. Recently, it has landed on the endangered species list, causing a federal court to shut down vital pumps to farmers to help preserve it."
It's Fish Versus Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley
FDA Blasted for Sting Operation Against Pennsylvania Amish Farmer
Morningland Dairy's Uncheese Party
Family Farm Ordered to Destroy 50,000 Pounds of Cheese
John Stossel on Food Police and Rawesome Raid
Brave Dairy Farmer Takes a Stand for Personal Liberty and Private Contracts-U.S. Government is Out to Destroy this Family Farm
History of the Estrella Family Creamery
Stop the CDFA closing California Raw Milk Farms
California regulators frame Organic Pastures and force raw milk shut down over fabricated E. Coli scare
Obama continues War on Raw Milk
Fantome Farm
The Last Farm in San Jose, California
Joshua’s Farm vs. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Trautman Dairy Farm Shut Down
Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs
Cedar Grove Cheese
Debut of New Food Documentary Farmageddon Announced
THE OAKLAND INSTITUTE SOUNDS THE ALARM ON THE THREAT THAT LAND GRABBING POSES TO FOOD SECURITY AND LIVELIHOODS: The purchase of vast tracts of land has become a widespread phenomenon, with foreign interests seeking or securing between 37 million and 49 million acres of farmland between 2006 and the middle of 2009.
Read about the Land Grabs and Threatened Food Resources in the Oakland Institute's Report.
SENATOR JIM DEMINT TOOK TO THE PAGES OF THE WASHINGTON POST TO RAISE THE ALARM ABOUT A PLANNED "10 MILLION ACRE" WESTERN LAND GRAB BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: The leaked document lists 17 sites in 11 states that could be designated as national monuments through the federal Antiquities Act. Over 380,000 acres in Colorado are designated in the memo under the heading “Prospective Conservation Designation.” A secret administration memo has surfaced revealing plans for the federal government to seize more than 10 million acres from Montana to New Mexico, halting job- creating activities like ranching, forestry, mining and energy development. Worse, this land grab would dry up tax revenue that’s essential for funding schools, firehouses and community centers. The leaked document lists 17 sites in 11 states that could be designated as national monuments through the federal Antiquities Act.
Don’t let anyone tell you that this White River Watershed National Blueway isn’t a Federal land grab. The whole purpose of this Blueway is to take over ALL land and Surface Water. You need be be familiar with Agenda 21 and the Wildland project to understand the goals are to rewild over 50% of the United States.
Here is some information on the Explanation of the Biodiversity Treaty and the Wildlands Project.
http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20091223.htm http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/06/u-n-agenda-21-to-seize-17-8-million-acres-from-missouri-and-arkansas-please-help-stop-this-land-grab-2678204.html
BLM WANTS TO SEIZE 90,000 ACRES OF TEXAS RANCHERS LAND: The Red River is the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma…or is it?
Byers, Texas along the Red River — The BLM stole 140 acres of the Tommy Henderson ranch thirty years ago. They took his land and paid him absolutely nothing. He sued and lost. Now the BLM is using that court case as precedent to do it again. The problem is, the land they want to seize is property that ranchers have a deed for and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years.
The BLM claims that about 90,000 acres (116 miles along the Red River) have never belonged to Texas in the first place. They will seize the land and it will seriously change the boundaries between the two states.
(5 MILLION ACRE LAND GRAB) Colorado Ranchers Angry Over Army Site Expansion: A government betrayal, The U.S. Army wants 418,000 acres of private ranch land. But the government's appeal to patriotism when ranchers could be forced to sell property that has been in their families for generations leaves many landowners cold. They remain skeptical of the claims of national security and frustrated by the lack of answers.They are also infuriated by what they consider callousness among proponents of the expansion, such as the comment from state Sen. John P. Morse, a Colorado Springs Democrat, that "patriotism is about accepting your cost, even when it is disproportionate." "It's rude. It ain't right. It's not American," said Stan White, who could lose more than two-thirds of the 9,000 acres he ranches in Walsenburg. "We take our military and our country very seriously, but we're up against something we can't get ahold of. If they get this done, it's a national disgrace."
SHOSHONE FARMER, RAYMOND YOWELL SET TO TAKE ON BLM MANAGEMENT: MAY 24, 2002 BLM SENT ARMED RANGERS AND THREE SEMI'S TO CONFISCATE ALL OF THE CATTLE. To add insult to injury, the BLM sent Yowell a bill for $80,000 for his part of the total $2.5 million in unpaid grazing fees and fines that the BLM said they were owed. When Yowell told them he was retired and his cattle were his only income, the BLM garnished 15 percent of his small social security check. He never received any money from the sale of his cattle.
In the past 80 years Raymond Yowell’s ancestral homeland has had more than 900 nuclear bomb tests, 50 million ounces of gold extracted from its depths, and now, his cattle rounded up and sold to the highest bidder for past due grazing fees from land he has grazed for more than 20 years. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/02/19/shoshone-farmer-raymond-yowell-set-take-bureau-land-management-98837
“ENDANGERED DESERT TORTOISE” One freedom at a time, one right at a time, one battle at a time, we the people are losing each and every one of our liberties to federal authorities, and will continue to do so until we stand up against them together. The story below is yet another example of the police state USSA in action. Once again a situation where federal authorities arbitrarily change laws and rules and just expect the general public to blindly follow those rules.
Well one man, a rancher by the name of Cliven Bundy, (whose family purchased the rights to the land in 1878 has refused and does not recognize any federal authority over the land and now dozens of armed federal officers, rangers and agents, are preparing a showdown with this one older gentleman you will see in the video below. To understand the principle Bundy is fighting for, one has to know that Mr. Bundy’s forefathers have been up and down that area since 1877, yet in 1993 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decided to change the grazing rules for Gold Butte to protect the endangered desert tortoise, an area Bundy and his family had been using since before the BLM even existed. Bundy’s message is simple: “This has become a police state, and this is an example of it right here. “
The example he talks about is how the Feds have set up a “free speech zone” in the area, a media zone and have created a wall of agents to prevent the general public from entering a 600,000-acre section of “public land,” as they prepare to round up Bundy’s cattle and sell it off.
“With all these rangers and all this force that is out here, they are only after one man right now. They are after Cliven Bundy. Whether they want to incarcerate me or whether they want to shoot me in the back, they are after me. But that is not all that is at stake here. Your liberty and freedom is at stake,” Bundy said. Bundy continues on to tell reporters “My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and water. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed.” He has fought this battle politically, legally and through the media, he says, his neighbors support him, and he vows he will “fight it on the ground if I have to.” One man is standing up for not only his rights, but for freedom and liberty…… who will stand with him?
Harry Reid, China, Behind Nevada Land Grab: The government now owns 86% of Nevada. This is happening all over the U.S. with "Land Grabs", "Eminent Domain" and the "Endangered Species". Bundy's family bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887, his grandfather sold the rights to his father and Bundy got them from his father in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. Bundy’s is the last ranch. This is not happening just to the Bundy's! Family's all across our country are losing their homes and businesses through government corruption at its best.
FEDS SEIZE FAMILY’S RANCH-Property owners fight government ‘land grab’!!! When Kit Laney answered a knock on his door Saturday, law enforcement officers from the U.S. Forest Service handed him a piece of paper announcing his Diamond Bar Ranch in southwest New Mexico would be shut down Wednesday and his 300 head of cattle grazing there would be removed – one way or the other.
BLM ACQUIRES LAND TO PROTECT PRAIRIE CHICKEN: The Conservation Fund also purchased the grazing rights on more than 42,000 acres of public land in N.M. and will retire them as an additional protection measure for the chicken and the dunes sagebrush lizard.
ROSWELL, N.M. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/12/07/blm-acquires-land-to-protect-prairie-chicken/
ENDANGERED SPECIES – THE SNAIL DARTER: STOPPED DAM CONSTRUCTION WASTING $78 MILLION IN PUBLIC FUNDS: In 1973, an ichthyologist discovered the snail darter in the Little Tennessee, a find that took on great importance four months later when Congress passed the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA).3 In 1975, the Secretary of the Interior declared that the snail darter was an endangered species, the Little Tennessee was its critical habitat, and the impoundment of water behind the Tellico Dam would result in total destruction of that habitat.4 With 78 million dollars of public funds spent and the fate of the snail darter on the line, the plaintiffs filed suit in what would be the first major test of the courts’ willingness to enforce the ESA. While the Court recognized the perceived absurdity in forfeiting tens of millions of dollars of public funds for a small fish, it interpreted both the plain language of Section 7 of the ESA and the legislative history as giving highest priority to the preservation of endangered species.http://www.justice.gov/enrd/Tennessee_Valley_Authority_vs_Hill.html
The government currently owns 650 million acres, or 29 percent of the nation’s total land. Americans should be wary of any plans a president has to seize land from the states without their consent. Any new plans to take away states’ freedom to use land as they see fit must be stopped. That’s why I sponsored an amendment to block Mr. Obama from declaring any of the 14 lands listed in the memo as “monuments.” Unfortunately, the Senate, led by Democrats, rejected it on Thursday evening by a vote of 58-38.
Obama to ban sport fishing (Newer Video's on You-tube and ESPN were removed)
If Obama was successful at banning recreational fishing it would mean a loss of over one million jobs!
Obama "may" ban public fishing by EXECUTIVE ORDER
Obama Admin Jumps to Squelch Rumors of U.S. Fishing Ban The Obama administration is trying to dash rumors that it planned to ban recreational fishing in marine waters and the Great Lakes in the wake of a series of Internet posts warning that such a prohibition was imminent. The administration is drafting plans for a new ocean policy and marine planning system. The inter-agency ocean task force has released draft plans that would set ocean conservation as a top national priority and lay the groundwork for marine planning.
EPA’s abuse of its Regional Haze authority forces states to relinquish their authority and accept EPA’s far more expensive plans, thereby increasing consumer utility charges.… no state is immune from having its rightful Regional Haze authority trampled by EPA at profound costs for virtually nonexistent benefits. ”Three “Big Green” groups received 41% of this payback: Earthjustice, $4,655,425 (30%); the Sierra Club, $966,687; and the Natural Resources Defense Council, $252,004. Most of this was paid to environmental attorneys in connection to lawsuits filed under the Clean Air Act, followed next by the Clean Water Act. In addition, the Department of Justice forked over at least $43 million of our money defending EPA. Senator Vitter’s office has informed me that there are ongoing investigations regarding a known revolving door of environmentalists and agencies, as well as Equal Action to Justice Act recovery money flowing to these groups post-settlement. In other words, the litigating groups are getting paid to sue both at the front end and tail end as well.
Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. It's large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last. A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.
Blocking the Sun, Blocking the Sun (Again), Superheating the Atmosphere, Health Erosion, Climate Modification, Nano-fiber Propagation http://www.riseearth.com/2012/11/haarp-chemtrails-toxin-laden-aerosols.html#.Uz1HPfnrz8g

"CODE ENFORCEMENT" harasses businesses daily and have been responsible for causing many to go out of business. The result of too many Communists on our town boards.
GOVERNMENT JOBS OUTSOURCED: Currently, about 40 state governments are outsourcing government jobs like issuing welfare checks and food stamps through overseas call centers.
V.A. ACCUSED OF EXCESSIVE OUTSOURCING OF VET'S JOBS: The Veterans Affairs Department is being accused of undermining its own goal of hiring more veterans by expanding its outsourcing practices that eliminate many federal jobs currently, or historically, held by veterans, according to the union representing 205,000 employees at the VA. In November, President Barack Obama signed into law the “VOW to Hire Heroes Act,” which included language to set up an expedited process for hiring returning solders for federal jobs. But the VA’s own outsourcing, which began to grow under the Bush Administration and are continuing to expand, are abolishing many federal jobs currently held by veterans, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), an AFL-CIO union, said in a Feb. 8 news release. For example, the Veterans Benefits Administration recently entered into a $54 million three-year contract with ACS Government Systems to perform claims processing work. That work currently is being performed by “large numbers of veterans,” the union said. “To add insult to injury, the VBA employees are being asked to volunteer to train the contractors to do their work.” “Contract claims processors working for profit will now handle the most personal information of our veterans.” AFGE National President John Gage said in the release. In several other outsourcing contracts in recent years, the VA also has gotten rid of many government jobs historically held by veterans, AFGE said. Other jobs recently outsourced by VA medical centers and cemeteries, which historically had been held by veterans, included cemetery caretakers, laundry and food service workers, housekeepers, groundskeepers and transportation assistants.
The VA also has failed to comply with a 2009 law that requires the agency to do a cost-benefit analysis before each outsourcing contract is awarded, to determine whether the contract is cost-effective for taxpayers, the union said. “The agency continues to violate federal law by contracting out work that has been traditionally performed by veterans,” the union said. “The outsourced jobs include many entry level jobs that disabled veterans rely on to get back on their feet after returning from the battlefield.” The union also claimed the VA conducts “excessive contracting” of physician and nursing services rather than hiring clinicians from within the military.
OUTSOURCED VETERANS JOBS: Under the Obama Administration, the illegal outsourcing of entry-level VA jobs has become more prevalent. The VA hires more veterans than any other federal agency except the Department of Defense. However, according to the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the AFL-CIO union that represents over 205,000 VA employees, the agency continues to violate federal law by contracting out work that has been traditionally performed by veterans.
NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT: Since the (NAFTA) was signed in 1993, the rise in the U.S. trade deficit with Canada and Mexico through 2002 has caused the displacement of production that supported 879,280 U.S. jobs. Most of those lost jobs were high-wage positions in manufacturing industries. The loss of these jobs is just the most visible tip of NAFTA’s impact on the U.S. economy. More than 1.3 million additional Western jobs will vanish by 2014 due to "the accelerated movement of work to India and other offshore locations.
GULF OIL SPILL: Cumberland Advisers, a Sarasota, Florida-based investment advisory firm, has projected that the “Gulf Oil” spill will cost 1 million permanent jobs in the next five years.
G.E., moving it's 115 year old X-ray division to China. They are investing 2 billion in China and training over 65 engineers to create 6 research centers. This is the same G.E. that made 5.1 billion in the U.S. last year but paid no taxes. The same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States. President Obama appointed G.E. Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs.
CASH FOR CLUNKERS: The governments “Cash For Clunkers” program was the cause of hundreds of car dealers to go out of business waiting for payment from the government. Under the program, people who scrap their gas guzzlers can get a voucher worth up to $4,500 toward a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. Dealers essentially front the money for the cash incentive with the understanding that the government will reimburse them once they file the necessary paperwork online and the deal is approved. The rules assured that participating dealers will be reimbursed within ten days, but that just didn’t happen. Under this program 2,200 Auto Dealerships closed and in excess of 120,000 jobs were lost.
After Taking In the Clunkers, Car Dealers Report an Extended Wait for the Cash
Obama Didn’t Save the Auto Industry: He Took Away 2,200 Dealerships and 120,000 Jobs
Obama Wants to Repeat “Success” of Auto Bailout With Every Industry …(Auto Bailout Cost Taxpayers $23 Billion)
U.S. JOBS OUTSOURCED: U.S. jobs are lost as a direct result of overseas outsourcing. Forrester Research estimates that 3.3 MILLION white collar jobs will be outsourced by the year 2015 (Drezner, 2004).
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA: represents the likes of Time Warner, Dell, KPMG LLP, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and Verizon. Since 2000, more than 2 MILLION jobs have been lost to countries like India and Mexico.
TRADE WITH CHINA COST U.S. 2.7 MILLION JOBS: Since China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001, the massive increase in Chinese exports to America and China’s unfair trade practices have cost Americans more than 2.7 million jobs, according to a new report. “The growing trade deficit with China has been a prime contributor to the crisis in U.S. manufacturing employment,” states the report from the Economic Policy Institute. U.S. imports from China have soared from $102 billion in 2001 to $398.5 billion last year. Meanwhile American exports to China have grown from $18 billion in 2001 to $96.9 billion in 2011, producing a trade deficit last year of more than $300 billion.
U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms: Cities hire Chinese instead of American workers for building projects.
TEXAS: $5 BILLION (Obama contracted the job to China. I-635 is being rebuilt with underground tolls from I-35 to I-45).
NEW YORK: $400 MILLION (Obama contracted the job to China. The Alexander Hamilton Bridge).
CALIFORNIA: $7.2 BILLION (Obama contracted the job to China. Bridge to connect San Francisco & Oakland).
ALASKA: $190 MILLION (Obama contracted the job to China).
MTA outsources $235M Verrazano Bridge project to China; The agency says it could not find an American company capable of making the high-tech steel plates it wants, but critics say the decision came down to cheaper labor.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority outsourced a $235 million renovation project to China for work on the statuesque steel span — over the protests of hard-up American steelworkers who say they could do the job.
KEYSTONE PIPELINE: "TENS OF THOUSANDS" OF JOBS-TO CHINA NOT THE U.S.!!! When President Barack Obama blocked the Keystone Pipeline, Republicans said the move would encourage Canada to pursue oil deals with China instead of the United States and cede a massive chunk of North American oil assets to the communist nation. Now, China’s state-run oil company CNOOC is poised to cut a $15.1 billion deal–the largest ever foreign acquisition for a Chinese company–with Canadian oil company Nexen.
After Obama Blocks Pipeline, China Readies $15.1B Canadian Oil Deal
GE Ex-CEO Takes On White House Via Twitter Over Jobs Data
Facts and Figures on Outsourcing
States Tackle Outsourcing http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,117432,00.html
The Effects of U.S. Outsourcing to China - Made in America” is quickly becoming a lost phrase
Sending Jobs Overseas: The Cost to America’s Economy and Working Familieshttp://staging.workingamerica.org/upload/OutsourcingReport.pdf
Google cutting 4,000 workers at Motorola Mobility: Dominance, profit, or safety?
Obama could take one symbolic step on his own that would create jobs for about a dozen American workers. It involves the construction of a memorial and statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. on our National Mall. After all, King's historic 1963 march on Washington was about jobs and poverty – so why not have some of our highly-skilled bricklayers and stone masons who're now unemployed build this monument in honor of King's legacy?
Seems sensible, but guess what? The quasi-governmental foundation overseeing the King memorial project doesn't seem to have much sense. It is importing eight to 12 workers from – believe it or not – China to do this job!
ILLINOIS GUN WORKS: The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a citation, along with a proposed fine of $111,000 fine (OSHA), against Illinois Gun Works–a gun store and gunsmith business which has a shooting range and teaches safety classes. Many of alleged OSHA violations at the safety training range involved noise exposure for the instructors. Among OSHA’s suggestions were to eliminate training in “larger caliber” handguns such as “9 mm Luger and/or .45 Colt” and substitute “handguns of smaller caliber,” such as .22LR. And “Prohibition of any shotguns and/or rifles firing in the firing range.” (p. 6). In other words, eliminate training for all firearms except those which are least likely to have the stopping power to be effective for self-defense. And ensure that the range can never provide students with personal instruction in the use of the firearms which constitute the vast majority of firearms which people actually own. Among the “violations” noted in the citation: An instructor on the range wore Howard Leight Impact Sport Electronic Earmuffs, which allegedly provided insufficient noise protection. Another violation: “A gun range instructor conducting shooter instruction was observed reaching down on the range floor to collect a loaded handgun cartridge. The employee was not wearing any hand protection such as gloves.
RICK REESE GUN SHOP: Rick Reese and his family ran a gun shop outside of Deming, N.M., for more than 17 years. A task force led by Homeland Security Investigations – including hundreds of federal, state, county and local officers, helicopters, armored personnel carriers and numerous police cruisers – stormed the Reese property. Officers broke into the store and the basement storage space where they confiscated the store’s inventory, hundreds of guns, almost 2 million rounds of ammunition and more than a dozen empty gun safes. Officers also broke into the Reese home and seized firearms, jewelry, cash and a coin collection Rick Reese had been building since he was a young boy. Vehicles, bank accounts and real estate were also seized. Federal prosecutors initiated forfeiture proceedings last December in an effort to make the seizures permanent before the family even went to trial, which locked up most of the family’s assets leaving them with little means to pay for legal assistance to fight the charges and the forfeiture efforts. All of this happened to the backdrop of breaking news about agents of the ATF and Department of Justice instructing firearms dealers to sell large numbers of guns and ammunition to known Mexican arms traffickers in an operation called “Fast and Furious.” In all, about 2,000 guns were allowed to “walk” out of federal control or monitoring, and most of them ended up in the hands of criminals in Mexico. U.S. Attorney Ken Gonzales declared: “This case serves to put firearms dealers on notice that they will be held accountable for any failure to comply with federal firearms laws.” Observers who have been following the “Fast and Furious” debacle, which has led to a “contempt of Congress” charge against Attorney General Eric Holder – yet led to no serious personnel actions against those responsible, much less criminal charges – marveled that U.S. Attorney Gonzales could make that statement with a straight face. Absent an accounting for “Fast and Furious, ”aggressively going after gun dealers whose primary crimes appear to have been either paperwork errors or a lack of a psychic ability to read a buyer’s mind is an outrage.” There is a provision in federal law specifically designed to protect gun dealers from having their inventory confiscated. That protection was included in the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act, or FOPA. The Reese family lawyers filed a motion for the trial judge to enforce those protections, but he rejected the motion. After almost a year in jail and a three-week trial, a jury has declared the members of the Reese family not guilty on 24 of the 28 counts against them.
Gun dealer Reese takes defense stand in firearms smuggling case
CENTRAL RADIO COMPANY: (Federal Government declared Eminent Domain to take over his property for a mall. After 75 years in business, with over 140 employees) Central Radio Company NORFOLK, Va. Over 100 employees and in business 75 years, with 50 years on 39th street and Hampton Boulevard; fixing communication systems for the Navy for decades, but now Old Dominion University, through the Norfolk Redevelopment Housing Authority (NRHA), wants the property on 39th Street for retail shopping.
CENTRAL RADIO CO. Norfolk Businessman fighting NRHA-ODU
THE GREAT GIBSON GUITAR RAID: Months Later, Still No Charges Filed -"They...come in with weapons, they seized a half-million dollars worth of property, they shut our factory down, and they have not charged us with anything," says Gibson Guitars CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, referring to the August 2011 raid on his Nashville and Memphis factories by agents from the Departments of Homeland Security and Fish & Wildlife. At issue is whether the wood was the correct level of thickness and finish before being exported from India. They were told after three raids that if they move their operation to Madagascar they would be left alone. http://reason.com/blog/2012/02/23/the-great-gibson-guitar-raid-months-late
GREAT BROOK FARM ICE CREAM STAND & DAIRY: Armed Officers Shut Down Mass. Ice Cream Stand Indefinitely (Owner redecorated and was shut down by a swat team putting himself and 14 other employees out of work)
MICHAEL TAYLOR, a former attorney for the US Department of Agriculture and lobbyist for Monsanto was recently appointed to a federal role as the deputy commissioner for foods at the U.S. FDA. Last year, over 300,000 organic farmers from around 60 family farms were put out of business because of Monsanto and Taylor on trumped up charges that the farmers were stealing Monsanto's GMO seeds.
800,000 ACRES OF LOST CROPS! THE STATE WILL NOT RELEASE WATER FOR THE FARMERS, THE FIRST TIME IN THE 54 YEAR HISTORY OF THE STATE WATER PROJECT. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-02-21/feds-withhold-water-california-farmers-first-time-54-years
Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America
Beginning April 1st 2012, Michigan’s “Invasive Species Order” (ISO) makes raising certain types of free range pigs a felony crime punishable by up to four years in prison. The order allows the Michigan DNR to seize and destroy the free range breeds without compensating the farmers whose pigs are killed. Remember, these are the same type of pigs that small family farmers have been successfully raising for decades in Michigan. In fact, the order is so brood that almost all pigs, with the e xception of those raised in large commercial slaughterhouses, would be effected. These farmers are now stuck with only two choices, face the prospect of becoming a felon or see their farm shutdown and their livelihood taken away. Graphic photos have surfaced of the baby pigs and momma pigs that a Michigan farmer was forced to shoot in cold blood to avoid being arrested as a felon. This is the latest development in the outrageous story of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, which conducted armed raids on multiple farms, using police state legal tactics to trespass onto private property and search for any living pigs that they consider to be "feral" breeds. In reality, these breeds have been raised as domesticated livestock by Michigan farmers for decades.
"ENDANGERED SPECIES" "DELTA SMELT FISH" CAUSED GREAT JOB AND FOOD LOSS: California's Central Valley is considered by many to be the richest and most productive farmland in the nation. But this land is being threatened by the small, harmless-looking minnow called the delta smelt. Recently, it has landed on the endangered species list, causing a federal court to shut down vital pumps to farmers to help preserve it." For the first time ever, farmers may be completely cut off from one of their sources of water. Farmers don't have access to this water that runs right through the center of their farmland. It is being allocated to the delta smelt, a little fish protected by the Endangered Species Act. We are talking about lots of jobs. We went to the food bank. The line was wrapped around the block because people don't have food. (This was in 2009) All of the farmers along all of this land, two-thirds of the state of California, have depended on water to grow their crops. But the water is turned off here. None of these farmers can expect to get any water. (The last I heard it caused a loss of 300,000 farmers)
California Moves to Take Away Citizens Right to Board Cows, Goats
Kalkaska County Pig Farmer Forced to Kill Pigs Due to DNR Ban - Northern Michigan's News Leader
Michigan Invasive Swine Species Order Leaves Farm Families in Legal Limbo, on Verge of Financial Ruin
Factory Farms Behind Pig Genocide in Michigan-RT America Network Digs Out the Truth about Michigan Swine ISO
NaturalNews exclusive: Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035585_Michigan_farms_raids.html#ixzz29IWJQvcj
Bakers Green Acres vs. Michigan DNR - Family Farm Under Attack http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=843yH_0RMIA
Farmers are being forced to slaughter their animals on mass around the world, leading to what experts believe will be the biggest meat and dairy price hike on record.http://www.mindfood.com/at-mass-animal-slaughter-food-price-hike.seo
HOGOCAUST? Farmers forced to slaughter healthy swine or face jail time
Price Of Pork Products Under Threat As UK Pig Farmers Exit The Market
American’s Wake Up! The Rest of the World is Free to Drink Raw Milk
Federal Government Wants Michigan Dairy Shut Down
California's Man-Made Drought
Farmers vs. Fish Amid the California Drought (FOOD & JOB LOSS)
FNC: Drought-Stricken Farmers Lose Fight for Water to Endangered Fish - A federal court which ordered that one of their sources of water be shut down due to fears that irrigation would harm an endangered species of fish, the delta smelt. Earhardt began: "California's Central Valley is considered by many to be the richest and most productive farmland in the nation. But this land is being threatened by the small, harmless-looking minnow called the delta smelt. Recently, it has landed on the endangered species list, causing a federal court to shut down vital pumps to farmers to help preserve it."
It's Fish Versus Farmers in the San Joaquin Valley
FDA Blasted for Sting Operation Against Pennsylvania Amish Farmer
Morningland Dairy's Uncheese Party
Family Farm Ordered to Destroy 50,000 Pounds of Cheese
John Stossel on Food Police and Rawesome Raid
Brave Dairy Farmer Takes a Stand for Personal Liberty and Private Contracts-U.S. Government is Out to Destroy this Family Farm
History of the Estrella Family Creamery
Stop the CDFA closing California Raw Milk Farms
California regulators frame Organic Pastures and force raw milk shut down over fabricated E. Coli scare
Obama continues War on Raw Milk
Fantome Farm
The Last Farm in San Jose, California
Joshua’s Farm vs. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Trautman Dairy Farm Shut Down
Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs
Cedar Grove Cheese
Debut of New Food Documentary Farmageddon Announced
THE OAKLAND INSTITUTE SOUNDS THE ALARM ON THE THREAT THAT LAND GRABBING POSES TO FOOD SECURITY AND LIVELIHOODS: The purchase of vast tracts of land has become a widespread phenomenon, with foreign interests seeking or securing between 37 million and 49 million acres of farmland between 2006 and the middle of 2009.
Read about the Land Grabs and Threatened Food Resources in the Oakland Institute's Report.
SENATOR JIM DEMINT TOOK TO THE PAGES OF THE WASHINGTON POST TO RAISE THE ALARM ABOUT A PLANNED "10 MILLION ACRE" WESTERN LAND GRAB BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: The leaked document lists 17 sites in 11 states that could be designated as national monuments through the federal Antiquities Act. Over 380,000 acres in Colorado are designated in the memo under the heading “Prospective Conservation Designation.” A secret administration memo has surfaced revealing plans for the federal government to seize more than 10 million acres from Montana to New Mexico, halting job- creating activities like ranching, forestry, mining and energy development. Worse, this land grab would dry up tax revenue that’s essential for funding schools, firehouses and community centers. The leaked document lists 17 sites in 11 states that could be designated as national monuments through the federal Antiquities Act.
Don’t let anyone tell you that this White River Watershed National Blueway isn’t a Federal land grab. The whole purpose of this Blueway is to take over ALL land and Surface Water. You need be be familiar with Agenda 21 and the Wildland project to understand the goals are to rewild over 50% of the United States.
Here is some information on the Explanation of the Biodiversity Treaty and the Wildlands Project.
http://www.proliberty.com/observer/20091223.htm http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/06/u-n-agenda-21-to-seize-17-8-million-acres-from-missouri-and-arkansas-please-help-stop-this-land-grab-2678204.html
BLM WANTS TO SEIZE 90,000 ACRES OF TEXAS RANCHERS LAND: The Red River is the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma…or is it?
Byers, Texas along the Red River — The BLM stole 140 acres of the Tommy Henderson ranch thirty years ago. They took his land and paid him absolutely nothing. He sued and lost. Now the BLM is using that court case as precedent to do it again. The problem is, the land they want to seize is property that ranchers have a deed for and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years.
The BLM claims that about 90,000 acres (116 miles along the Red River) have never belonged to Texas in the first place. They will seize the land and it will seriously change the boundaries between the two states.
(5 MILLION ACRE LAND GRAB) Colorado Ranchers Angry Over Army Site Expansion: A government betrayal, The U.S. Army wants 418,000 acres of private ranch land. But the government's appeal to patriotism when ranchers could be forced to sell property that has been in their families for generations leaves many landowners cold. They remain skeptical of the claims of national security and frustrated by the lack of answers.They are also infuriated by what they consider callousness among proponents of the expansion, such as the comment from state Sen. John P. Morse, a Colorado Springs Democrat, that "patriotism is about accepting your cost, even when it is disproportionate." "It's rude. It ain't right. It's not American," said Stan White, who could lose more than two-thirds of the 9,000 acres he ranches in Walsenburg. "We take our military and our country very seriously, but we're up against something we can't get ahold of. If they get this done, it's a national disgrace."
SHOSHONE FARMER, RAYMOND YOWELL SET TO TAKE ON BLM MANAGEMENT: MAY 24, 2002 BLM SENT ARMED RANGERS AND THREE SEMI'S TO CONFISCATE ALL OF THE CATTLE. To add insult to injury, the BLM sent Yowell a bill for $80,000 for his part of the total $2.5 million in unpaid grazing fees and fines that the BLM said they were owed. When Yowell told them he was retired and his cattle were his only income, the BLM garnished 15 percent of his small social security check. He never received any money from the sale of his cattle.
In the past 80 years Raymond Yowell’s ancestral homeland has had more than 900 nuclear bomb tests, 50 million ounces of gold extracted from its depths, and now, his cattle rounded up and sold to the highest bidder for past due grazing fees from land he has grazed for more than 20 years. http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/02/19/shoshone-farmer-raymond-yowell-set-take-bureau-land-management-98837
“ENDANGERED DESERT TORTOISE” One freedom at a time, one right at a time, one battle at a time, we the people are losing each and every one of our liberties to federal authorities, and will continue to do so until we stand up against them together. The story below is yet another example of the police state USSA in action. Once again a situation where federal authorities arbitrarily change laws and rules and just expect the general public to blindly follow those rules.
Well one man, a rancher by the name of Cliven Bundy, (whose family purchased the rights to the land in 1878 has refused and does not recognize any federal authority over the land and now dozens of armed federal officers, rangers and agents, are preparing a showdown with this one older gentleman you will see in the video below. To understand the principle Bundy is fighting for, one has to know that Mr. Bundy’s forefathers have been up and down that area since 1877, yet in 1993 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decided to change the grazing rules for Gold Butte to protect the endangered desert tortoise, an area Bundy and his family had been using since before the BLM even existed. Bundy’s message is simple: “This has become a police state, and this is an example of it right here. “
The example he talks about is how the Feds have set up a “free speech zone” in the area, a media zone and have created a wall of agents to prevent the general public from entering a 600,000-acre section of “public land,” as they prepare to round up Bundy’s cattle and sell it off.
“With all these rangers and all this force that is out here, they are only after one man right now. They are after Cliven Bundy. Whether they want to incarcerate me or whether they want to shoot me in the back, they are after me. But that is not all that is at stake here. Your liberty and freedom is at stake,” Bundy said. Bundy continues on to tell reporters “My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and water. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed.” He has fought this battle politically, legally and through the media, he says, his neighbors support him, and he vows he will “fight it on the ground if I have to.” One man is standing up for not only his rights, but for freedom and liberty…… who will stand with him?
Harry Reid, China, Behind Nevada Land Grab: The government now owns 86% of Nevada. This is happening all over the U.S. with "Land Grabs", "Eminent Domain" and the "Endangered Species". Bundy's family bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887, his grandfather sold the rights to his father and Bundy got them from his father in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the survival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. Bundy’s is the last ranch. This is not happening just to the Bundy's! Family's all across our country are losing their homes and businesses through government corruption at its best.
FEDS SEIZE FAMILY’S RANCH-Property owners fight government ‘land grab’!!! When Kit Laney answered a knock on his door Saturday, law enforcement officers from the U.S. Forest Service handed him a piece of paper announcing his Diamond Bar Ranch in southwest New Mexico would be shut down Wednesday and his 300 head of cattle grazing there would be removed – one way or the other.
BLM ACQUIRES LAND TO PROTECT PRAIRIE CHICKEN: The Conservation Fund also purchased the grazing rights on more than 42,000 acres of public land in N.M. and will retire them as an additional protection measure for the chicken and the dunes sagebrush lizard.
ROSWELL, N.M. http://denver.cbslocal.com/2012/12/07/blm-acquires-land-to-protect-prairie-chicken/
ENDANGERED SPECIES – THE SNAIL DARTER: STOPPED DAM CONSTRUCTION WASTING $78 MILLION IN PUBLIC FUNDS: In 1973, an ichthyologist discovered the snail darter in the Little Tennessee, a find that took on great importance four months later when Congress passed the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA).3 In 1975, the Secretary of the Interior declared that the snail darter was an endangered species, the Little Tennessee was its critical habitat, and the impoundment of water behind the Tellico Dam would result in total destruction of that habitat.4 With 78 million dollars of public funds spent and the fate of the snail darter on the line, the plaintiffs filed suit in what would be the first major test of the courts’ willingness to enforce the ESA. While the Court recognized the perceived absurdity in forfeiting tens of millions of dollars of public funds for a small fish, it interpreted both the plain language of Section 7 of the ESA and the legislative history as giving highest priority to the preservation of endangered species.http://www.justice.gov/enrd/Tennessee_Valley_Authority_vs_Hill.html
The government currently owns 650 million acres, or 29 percent of the nation’s total land. Americans should be wary of any plans a president has to seize land from the states without their consent. Any new plans to take away states’ freedom to use land as they see fit must be stopped. That’s why I sponsored an amendment to block Mr. Obama from declaring any of the 14 lands listed in the memo as “monuments.” Unfortunately, the Senate, led by Democrats, rejected it on Thursday evening by a vote of 58-38.
Obama to ban sport fishing (Newer Video's on You-tube and ESPN were removed)
If Obama was successful at banning recreational fishing it would mean a loss of over one million jobs!
Obama "may" ban public fishing by EXECUTIVE ORDER
Obama Admin Jumps to Squelch Rumors of U.S. Fishing Ban The Obama administration is trying to dash rumors that it planned to ban recreational fishing in marine waters and the Great Lakes in the wake of a series of Internet posts warning that such a prohibition was imminent. The administration is drafting plans for a new ocean policy and marine planning system. The inter-agency ocean task force has released draft plans that would set ocean conservation as a top national priority and lay the groundwork for marine planning.
EPA’s abuse of its Regional Haze authority forces states to relinquish their authority and accept EPA’s far more expensive plans, thereby increasing consumer utility charges.… no state is immune from having its rightful Regional Haze authority trampled by EPA at profound costs for virtually nonexistent benefits. ”Three “Big Green” groups received 41% of this payback: Earthjustice, $4,655,425 (30%); the Sierra Club, $966,687; and the Natural Resources Defense Council, $252,004. Most of this was paid to environmental attorneys in connection to lawsuits filed under the Clean Air Act, followed next by the Clean Water Act. In addition, the Department of Justice forked over at least $43 million of our money defending EPA. Senator Vitter’s office has informed me that there are ongoing investigations regarding a known revolving door of environmentalists and agencies, as well as Equal Action to Justice Act recovery money flowing to these groups post-settlement. In other words, the litigating groups are getting paid to sue both at the front end and tail end as well.
Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. It's large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last. A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.
Blocking the Sun, Blocking the Sun (Again), Superheating the Atmosphere, Health Erosion, Climate Modification, Nano-fiber Propagation http://www.riseearth.com/2012/11/haarp-chemtrails-toxin-laden-aerosols.html#.Uz1HPfnrz8g

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