A Plan of Action
It is time for the people of the Republic to once again stand up and be counted in defense of our rights. After years of petitions, demonstrations, and court actions, our efforts have been spurned and rejected. The electoral system in America today is blatantly corrupt, since our enemies have infiltrated the process and now control the count. Those of us willing to defend freedom and liberty today are shouted down or ignored by the corporate owned media, which also demonizes us in advance of attacking us.
To quote from another of my articles, “Declaration of Restoration, April 15, 2014“:
“We The People of the United States of America, seeking the assistance of our Creator, do declare that we have sinned against heaven and neglected our duty to remain vigilant in the defense of our liberties and the Rights he has bestowed upon us. We humbly beseech Him for forgiveness for our neglect and ask for guidance and wisdom as we seek to restore what we’ve allowed to be usurped.
Due to the efforts of officers of both the State and Federal governments in contravention of the obligations of their oath, it has become necessary for We The People to rise up and remove them from those offices and restore to us and our posterity the status that the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle us. Reaffirming the Principles of the Declaration of Independence, passed on July 2, 1776, signed on July 4, 1776… we are declaring to the world the reasons for our actions.
We continue to hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and they’re endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. We hereby refuse our consent to actions and laws in contravention of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and will no longer comply with such usurpations.
We recognize the Right of the People to alter or abolish Government when it becomes destructive of our Rights but in the case of this Republic we have chosen to restore the framework our founders established and then strengthen it by Amendment, so as to reduce the possibility of such usurpation and despotism in the future.
For decades the Republic was plundered by the imposition of the Income Tax… the deadline of this tyrannical tax was April 15th. Therefore, as an act of defiance to the globalist bankers whose greed and lust for power has brought the American economy to its knees, it is our intent to begin the implementation of the plan to restore lawful government as of that day… turning it from a day of infamy to the second Independence Day!
Since the Federal Government prevented the legitimate secession of the Confederate States of America from the Union by force, it has exercised dominance over those States as well as the other States of the Union in contravention of the Constitution that formed, defines the powers of, and limits it. At the conclusion of that conflict, the former States of the Confederacy were placed under Federal occupation and required to ratify amendments as a condition of regaining their seats in Congress; such coercion falls under the principle of duress and cannot be construed to be the act of freewill… making all such amendments void and not a part of the Constitution.
To remove the usurpation, fraud, and deceit perpetrated against the limitations of the Constitution and restore our limited constitutional government, we hereby seek the restoration of our Constitution as of January 1, 1860, before the commencement of hostilities of the civil war; the Constitution at this time included the original 13th Amendment. This is not to be construed as the reinstitution of slavery and Congress is urged to propose Amendments to remove all language regarding that institution once the Republic and State representation in the Senate has been restored.”
Since the time of the Civil War the Federal Government has been in the grips of corporate foreign interests, interests that incorporated the District of Columbia, and over time through the 14th amendment enslaved nearly all Americans to a corporate system ruled through contract law and not the Law of Nature and Nature’s God. Since the States in the Convention of 1787 did not grant the government power to circumvent the powers and limitations the Constitution for the United States of America defines and grants to those sworn to uphold it, I submit and believe that this corporation is usurpation and void; any debt, statutes, court decisions, amendments, treaties, agreements, appointments, and actions of all officials in contravention of their oath to the republic and the effects since January 1, 1860… both State and Federal… are null and void since they’re products of fraud and usurpation.
16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256:
The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows:
The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted.
Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it.
A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby.
No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.
Due to the lawless nature of our present political state local, state, and Federal, prudence dictates the only avenue that remains for us today is retaking our offices by forcing oath breakers out of them and reclaiming what has been stolen from us by the corporate UNITED STATES. We have been complacent for too long and allowed this infiltration of our government by putting more value in the distractions presented to us than our civic duty to posterity; now the task of restoring our liberty and limited government is much more difficult. Past generations have allowed our enemies to gain control of our educational institutions, media, the creation of our money, and control of the offices that regulated and monitored wrongdoing in our government. We have brought this upon ourselves by not remaining vigilant and ignoring the warnings of those who were.
The Militia
Due to feedback received from a previous version of this plan I have found it necessary to explain the meaning of the term Militia. There are still many people who seem to be oblivious of just where we are politically and our limited window remaining for restoring our liberty and removing the corruption from our governments… make no mistake, this plan seeks the complete removal of that corruption; that can only happen if we strengthen ourselves and approach the problem from a position of superior force, which the people at arms in America represents… the largest armed population of people on earth… the strongest Militia!
The people have been given a misperception of the militia today by the corporate owned media through various television dramas, as well as the terminology use by anchors in the news… portraying the Militia as some nefarious military force under the command of some deranged narcissistic lunatic that seeks the subjugation of everyone in his area of operation. Nothing can be further from the truth, in fact, the Federal Government is actually fitting that role today in our lives as well as our state governments. The Militia as referred to in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the whole of the people at arms but more specifically, every able-bodied male between the ages of 17-45, not holding Federal office is a member of the unorganized militia whether they know it or not. The militia is us… the people… which explains the language in Article IV of the Bill of Rights:
“A well-regulated Militia being necessary for the security of a free state: the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
The logic of the second amendment is that the people are the militia and our access to arms for the defense of our free state shall not be infringed! The greatest threat to liberty isn’t from foreign aggression but from our own government; our founders knew this and made sure we had a defense against it when it became necessary. Considering the level of corruption and the hostility of government for any limitation to their perceived power, it is easy to understand why our government schools, the media owned by globalist corporations and licensed by government, and academia who is dependent upon corporate and government grants for much of their funding and support are hostile to the Militia.
Step One: Marshaling the People
The first step to regaining control is to exercise your right to bear arms and join with others in your community for your mutual defense, which is the militia. Organizing the structure of the militia and setting up a command structure should be the first step, followed by making sure people are properly trained in the use of their weapons and tactics based upon the environment they’re in. Veterans have received thousands of dollars of training by the military and should be utilized to train others in the skills of their former modes of service. While certainly not required, military leadership should be drawn from experienced combat veterans. Political leadership must be drawn from those who are honorable and will adhere to the oath of office, understands the responsibilities and duties associated with the oath, and most importantly the object of that oath… securing our rights by adhering to the organic Constitution for the united States of America and Bill of Rights as well as the Constitution of the State you’re inhabiting.
Step Two: Setting Up an Alert System
The militia must have an alert system established, allowing members of the community to report activity to them for evaluation as to the need for deployment and in what strength. There should be a phone number, a secure local web site, as well as a frequency for radio that is distributed throughout the community. By establishing an alert system, you are enabling the people to report either an attack by Federal forces or some other threat or incident requiring evaluation and possible deployment.
The militia should also aid the community in the event of storms and other natural disasters… working with the Sheriff’s office in relief and security efforts to protect the lives and property of the people.
Step Three: Remove our Consent and Compliance
Once our people are armed and organized, we must stop complying with everything government does in contravention of their oath… everything. We must stop paying unlawful taxes and supporting actions that are trained to enslave and destroy us. A target date of April 15, 2014 has been set to start implementation of this plan, making Tax Day into our 2nd Independence Day. Yes, the time is short… frankly I have friends throughout the country that believe we don’t have that much time but I felt it important to give people a target to shoot for and that date is burned into everyone’s minds. Due to some confusion regarding the date, April 15th is the starting date for implementing, not the date of completion. Since I cannot nor want to control the participation at the local level the actual date of completion is pretty much up to the American people… It took 5 years from the signing of the Declaration of Independence for us to actually see the surrender of Cornwallis’ army; how long it takes to restore the American Republic is up to the people and their action. How fast do you want your freedom back?
Step Four: Remove Oath Breakers from Office
Now that we’re refusing to comply with the actions of oath breakers in our governments, it is time to remove them from our offices and replace them with loyal oath keepers. This should be done through the Grand Jury and enforced by the Sheriff if possible, by force if necessary, but it must be done to fully restore the Constitution. From the government closest to the people and then working up the levels to State offices, the criminals that have no regard for oaths, sovereignty, and our rights must be removed.
My original plan was to start from the local level on up, but we may be forced to react to Federal usurpation first. If it becomes necessary to remove the Feds then the militia should consider their mission as removing all local Federal agencies from their territory until such time as the Federal government begins abiding by their agreement in the Constitution. The Federal Government is no longer in compliance with the agreement creating it and must be removed until it is restored. Once our States have been restored to compliance it will be up to them to deal with their creation… but We The People should remove their rebellious creation from our communities until they do and STOP complying and paying for it.
The Sheriff
The sheriff was meant to be the last wall of protection for the people at the county level. Being elected by the people, he’s the highest law officer in the county and charged with protecting the rights of the people and their property from threats both in and out of government. A good sheriff will seek the indictment of officers in government at the county level that violate their oath; forcing their removal from office, including the deputies under his own command as necessary, since his first duty is to help us protect our rights to life, liberty, and property. Violating the oath of office and seeking to alter our form of government through any means other than amendment is a crime, I touch on that topic in more detail in my article, The Duty of Our Oath. If your sheriff does not honor his oath of office, assists outside agencies in attacking our rights, and enforces laws in contravention of the Constitution, he must be the first officer to be replaced. It is the Office of Sheriff that has the power to martial the military power of the county through his posse to repel outside threats and remove internal ones.
Having a sheriff that is either ignorant of his obligations under the Constitution or contemptuous of it is a grave threat to everything you hold dear. Since he is the highest Peace Officer in the County, he is the only one with the lawful authority to block other government forces and agencies in their attacks against you; they must all get the permission of his office before proceeding in their action. Even the Feds cannot pass lawfully if he says no. Going through him without permission would be an act of war against your authority, since you elect him.
The same thing applies to your state government. Once enough Counties have been restored, it should be a very simple matter of removing oath breakers from the state, by force if they refuse to go. The combined power of the Counties joined in restoring integrity back into government could not be resisted by any other force the state could muster, including Federal if all the states are doing this simultaneously; there would be just too much force being brought to bear. I’m not saying that there will not be resistance, both from a legal as well as a military perspective, but if we’re armed and focused on restoring our government we’re not the ones in rebellion… the oath breakers are. The actions above include all offices in government where the occupant has violated the oath; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
Those officers responsible for overseeing the electoral system must fire and replace all workers that violate the law and perpetuated fraud by allowing the vote to be corrupted. The vote must be returned to a simple paper ballot marked and tallied by human beings and verifiable when challenged at the precinct level.
In American government, the representatives of the people take an oath before entering office, swearing to uphold the Constitution while exercising the powers of the office they’re about to enter. The oath defines the primary obligation of their duty; to exercise the powers they’re permitted by the Constitution and no more. Today we have an overwhelming number of people in office that are openly contemptuous of the Constitution and are using their offices to unlawfully change it.
It is time to take action that will be effective and long-lasting, to remove those officers in our government that have violated their oaths and for whatever personal reason, are attempting to circumvent the terms of their oath. Some are actively working with the enemies of the Republic in an effort to undermine and destroy it; others are lining their pockets with the property of the people or being extorted or bribed by enemies to support programs or actions in contravention of the Constitution… whatever their reasons, they are violating the terms of their oath and therefore the conditions of holding office.
Once the states have been restored they will have the authority and support of the people necessary to force the Federal government back to its proper place. They can cut off all funds sent to Washington, raise the Militia to counter Federal usurpation and intimidation of the people and demand the immediate impeachment and arrest of all oath breakers still in power at this time. The people and the states will have restored their power with a minimum of bloodshed, through Constitutional means.
It all begins with arming yourself and standing up as an American.
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