If you are not angry by now at how tens of thousands of illegal alien children are being permitted to invade your towns and cities you can be certain now they are not leaving any time soon. According to Ben Swann, an ad that was run in the Murrieta, California Penny Saver is offering a huge amount of money if families in the area are willing to provide foster homes for the unaccompanied refugee minors”. The amount is $6,000!

Does that sound like the Obama administration is looking to show these illegal aliens the door to the other side of the border? The money is being offered by the Crittenton Services and Foster Family Agency or (FFA). The agency is making the claim that they are looking for these families that want to offer a home to these illegal immigrant kids and at claims to be looking for families a premium price.
It only gets better. Obama HHS and apparently the White House is allowing for these agencies to extend a helping hand to the illegals with totally tax free money. Just one child under the age of 16 can net an Orange County family up to $854.00 per month. If you are the lucky homeowner who has a five bedroom house, you are eligible to receive six of these non-English speaking kids for a total reimbursement of up to $6,054.00 per month tax free, reported Ben Swann!
Just imagine, this type of bounty is being offered to the kind he
arted souls without the $3.7 billion being asked for by the Obama administration to take care of the human crisis at the border. If congress goes through and allocates the $3.7 billion it could possibly pay for tens of thousands more of the invading human tidal wave of illegals.
There is not time to do the social service home studies and background checks as so many kids are coming across the border so rapidly. One must wonder how many sex predators are now getting paid by the Federal government to molest these kids.
There is not time to do the social service home studies and background checks as so many kids are coming across the border so rapidly. One must wonder how many sex predators are now getting paid by the Federal government to molest these kids.
When Ben Swann inquired as to who was possibly footing the dime on this money to take care of the illegals, it was told that 100% of the reimbursement will come from the federal government.
For more go ....HERE
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