"Patriotic Words from Daveda Gruber"


It wasn’t playing at my local theaters but this was a movie I had to see. A movie with political innuendos that is a documentary gets my attention. “America Imagine the World Without Her” was important to me. I travelled over thirty minutes and went to see what all the talk was about.

don't think I blinked throughout the movie. If I did, I was not aware of it. I was totally captivated from beginning to end. I thought I knew a lot about American history and information in the news/Internet. I found out I really didn't know as much as I had thought.

The movie starts off with you feeling angry about American and her people. After all, some people say some pretty mean things about what we are as a nation and they don’t like us very much; including Americans themselves. Then the accusations were explained. A whole new light came into the picture.

I always knew that Europe was divided into countries because or war and the aggressor wanting to capture more territory and its people. Good, I was aware. Then a comparison was given. You must see the movie for yourself to understand the intensity of this statement.

Did you know that Hillary Clinton wrote her senior thesis on Saul Alinsky? Did you know she met him when she was very young and was highly motivated by the man but thought that she could take his theories a step further? Watch the movie. Learn who he was and what he stood for. This explains Hillary’s disconnection with what being poor is.

 There was something that had never been written in the history books that I read that sparked my interest. The first millionaire woman was black. She was a single mother of color and she used ‘capitalism’ to make herself into a millionaire.

Here’s another shocker, there were many black southern slave owners, especially but not limited to the first thirteen colonies, and they owned both black and white slaves. This is another reason to watch the movie. I had a history lesson I will not soon forget.

You will see actual interviews and proof of why our nation has taken the turn it has under the present president. You will find out how close Hillary’s beliefs are to Obama’s and further from her husband’s.

If you see one movie this year, make it this one. I know movies are for entertainment but I think everyone who sees this movie with an open mind, will find the learning experience exhilarating. Dinesh D’Souza has a hit on his hands even if some Democrats don't want to believe it.

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