The Enemy Allowed To Come Within

When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do--With One Exception

Whenever one travels to or relocates to another state, nation, etc, one is expected to follow the laws of that state or nation. Most people view this as reasonable and do their best to comply. However, there is one group that believes that the only law that applies to them, no matter where they are, is their own--Sharia--the law of Islam.

There have been many well documented comparisons between  Islam and Nazism. one source
Both are totalitarian in nature, although Islam is more insidious in that it controls every aspect of one's life, and its ultimate goal is world conquest under the banner of Allah.  In many cases,  its adherents have no desire nor intention to assimilate or integrate into any nation to which they emigrate.
Whenever they feel that any situation "offends" their religion, they sue. They practice "lawfare" and have managed to win many cases where the "offenders" have been required to bend to Islamic demands. Here is an excellent article with a few links
Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal FBI Training Curricula Purged of Material Deemed “Offensive” to Muslims

The relentless "lawfare" will continue.  Dismissed cases are not a deterrent. Here are more examples of past & present suits. This site pulls no punches list
Again, the MSM has failed to fully expose the real agenda behind many of the Islamic organizations whose main purpose is the destruction of our Constitution.
We must do our own research and become aware of the true agenda--bringing America down with  Islamofascism as one of its main tools. We must demand that our way of life and laws be respected and followed.

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