"A Citizen's Call For Impeachment!!!"

We may be a war weary nation but one thing I know damn well
This is one war left to fight. It's against Obama and his tyrannous hell
Our President has lied when he swore to defend the Constitution
He never intended to do it. He lied and it is a severe dereliction

We have let things go too far. This country of ours is in a total mess
He must be held accountable for America is under such duress
If it's confrontation he wants then confrontation is what will be
We, the people, want our grievances redressed. This is what we must see
America is a nation of laws and no man or woman is certainly above it
This son of a bitch must be told we are tired of all his 
corrupt S*^T

Unilateral amnesty will cause such a rift in this land and send shock waves
We have the executive branch acting imperially. How disgusting Obama behaves
Can we stand another two years of this abominably corrupt administration?
The answer is a deafening NO!! Is there really a need for any kind of explanation?
Evil must be confronted. The time has is long past due. Only one thing left to say

Let the process of Impeachment begin. Let us get the proceedings underway!!

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