Well NOW, What Do You Have To Say About This!

The only war Obama is winning: He’s commander in chief in the War On Women

                                                                         Well I'm glad somebody besides me has noticed that whenever there is a major scandal worthy of investigation, Barky always seems to send out a woman to publicly take the hit.  

The Washington Times: "When he needs a fall guy, it’s rarely a guy. Need a distraction because of a lack of leadership in Benghazi? Send out Susan Rice to lie to the press, and then let the blame fail on Hillary Clinton.

Give guns in a “fast and furious” way to Mexican drug dealers for political talking points? Keep Eric Holder in his position of power but ship Janet Napolitano off for a long siesta.

Use the IRS to go after political foes and most likely affect the outcome of the election? Make Lois Lerner take the heat and then go on another vacation.

Obamacare is a bust and everybody knows it? Exaggerate the numbers and then let Kathleen Sebelius take the fall.

But the administration isn’t the only place you can find left-wingers conducting a War on Women. Liberals in the media can be as nasty as they want to Republican women like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann and there’s never a peep from “women’s groups” like NOW."
entire post

Second stringers at the State Department , formerly Victoria Nuland & presently Jen Psaki have also been made to take the heat and look less than fully cognizant.

In all fairness, there are male spokesmen, but they are usually handling less explosive material--with the major exception of Press Secretary Jay Carney. Toward the end, I was almost feeling sorry for the man. He knew he was defending the indefensible, and he knew that everybody in the room knew it as well.  Now that he is no longer in that position, he is probably the happiest man on earth.






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