The lawlessness in Washington is now global

US has Sights on Full Spectrum Dominance

The lawlessness in Washington is now global.   Most people, myself included have focused mainly on Obama's lawlessness.
Unfortunately, impeaching Obama will only slow down the corruption in Washington a bit at best. Even had Operation American Spring been successful and Obama, Biden, Holder, Boehner, Pelosi, Reid and McConnell were to resign. Congress would just shift more corrupt leaders into their places.
The problem we are facing as a nation is bigger than I previously comprehended. Personally, I can't see how we can stop this corruption and get Washington under control with the current politicians in place. Perhaps if we the people, could implement term limits on Congress that would give us a chance to elect new members of Congress, well that is, if the election process wasn't manipulated and corrupt. Even if it worked, then we still have a mainstream media that won't report a shred of truth. If we could get anyone elected who truly took their oath of office seriously, I believe Washington politicians would have he or she assassinated.
Our government in Washington has us in a checkmated position. All the key pieces and people are in place and average Americans have no options left that will save us without a civil war on our own soil.  Unfortunately, they have put a strategy in place that would overwhelm our defenses.  Plus most Americans and Veterans do not want to see a civil war in America, so we are left with few options.
Unfortunately, our government has bigger sights in mind than just mere dominance over Americans. Washington has set its sights on "Full Spectrum Dominance". That means a global takeover.
Nato occupies will soon be on 6 continents and American armed forces are now in at least 150 countries and it is believed to be much higher with clandestine US forces.
Who stands in our way of full spectrum dominance? Mainly, Russia and China give us the biggest problems, so that is why our US forces have invaded Ukraine and taken over Kiev along side with the NeoNazis.  Can you imagine what Putin must be thinking?  We have invaded Ukraine that borders Russia and we are within 500 miles of Russia.  That is why Putin just made a big deal with China recently. They are joining alliances against the United States, since that is their best bet to try to stop us.
Our mainstream media is playing along with this to cover up what Washington is doing. They report on scandals and we have these big stories that further the agenda and propaganda of Washington. Not only that but they place real fear into Americans who are thinking they are paying attention.  These scandals and reports are to ignite civil unrest and pushing us to the breaking point as a nation.  You see, we as Americans must be put in our place, if they scare us into submission, then they have won the battle before it even starts.
Two weeks ago, the Pentagon tested their EU Star Wars program. Oh what is that you ask? Didn't they stop that Reagan’s Star Wars program a long time ago?? No they didn't. Nato has the ability to shoot down any nuclear missiles that anyone might fire on us. Why would they fire on us you might ask? Because our government has declared unofficial nuclear war on Russia and they stand in the way of "Full Spectrum Dominance" of the United States government in Washington, DC. Do they represent Americans as a whole?  No they don’t, because, we the people, don't know what is going on due to media blackout. What does Full   Spectrum Dominance really mean for the world?  It means global enslavement by the US Government.
The corruption and agenda of the politicians in Washington, DC goes so much deeper and is more horrifying than most can fully comprehend, I strongly recommend you to look at some of the posts I posted yesterday, RT: US plans first strike on Russia and TruNews 6-4-14. Also check out Paul Craig Roberts and what he has to say on his website as well.

Finally things are making sense to me. I couldn't understand why Congress would allow such corruption in the Obama administration. Now I understand a bit more and it is frighteningly disturbing. My need to understand what is going on has boggled my mind. I would never have dreamed it could be this evil.

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