(A Poem by Joe Esposito)
Two more years of this insanity will be so hard to take
There's no relief from this administration. We cannot get a break
Obama is determined to make us so miserable
Never has there been a President so contemptible

Every move is calculating and utterly crass as it can be
It is tinged with such madness as he taunts us endlessly
He exchanges five Jihadists for a soldier who acted recklessly
We've let loose Taliban scum and now our country is in jeopardy

We have a Commander in Chief who shows disdain for the military
His narcissism is such that he acts in ways so irresponsibly
We have a man as our President with whom you cannot reason
For his lack of action in Benghazi he should have been tried for treason

The fault lies squarely in Congress for they have failed to take action
No calls for Articles of Impeachment has caused much dissatisfaction
The country is in turmoil as it's citizenry is being totally ignored
We are under blatant tyranny. The rule of order must be restored

The America that we loved and remember can no longer be recognized
We are under a law breaking President who has become so despised
He does not have to answer to the people and this he knows so well

He will do whatever he wants even if it means putting us through HELL!

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