The Endgame

I have long said that when something makes no sense, we do not have all of the facts. As FDR said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

We have been watching that very scenario unfolding before our eyes for a while. The only question---what is the endgame?
 Many of us suspect that it is the establishment of  one world government, with a single currency, as well as with a single police and military force. When this nightmare occurs, freedom and justice will be the first casualties. Abuse of the citizenry will be rampant and unchecked so as to instill a paralyzing fear into those who might wish to resist. 
The first step toward this achievement is to disrupt, weaken, and ultimately take over the low hanging fruit, and destroy its branch. The next step is to move up the tree until the entire structure is so weakened that it can no longer resist. It will die, be cut down, and a new tree planted in its place that will suit the purpose of the keepers.
Many tools are at the disposal of those who wish to acheive a one world government. Political ideologies, e.g. Communism, Fascism, Socialism, etc. are useful tools. However, Islam is the most effective and deadly one because it is a military and legal system wrapped in the cloak of a "religion". Its more radical adherents will do things in the name of Allah, that they might not ever consider doing for a political/secular ruler. History is full of religions being used as a cloak for conquest as well as for legitimate defense and survival. However, there is nothing defensive about Islam. It is offensive and will continue its relentless advance until its goal is achieved. Should this nightmare scenario play out, then what? We will then see who is using whom and to what end.

"Many mistakenly believe that Obama is a Muslim but if you will but apply a bit of logic that belief will go up in smoke. True, Obama was raised within the Muslim culture for a brief time. He knows their ways and knows what to say to please them, or perhaps I should say he knows how to manipulate them, and manipulate them he does, all for the sake of the plan that is being enacted by George Soros and his fellow globalists. They plan to bring down all of western civilization with world wide Anarchy and Chaos."The Entire Post   well worth reading!

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