The Chairman of the Cato Institute – Robert Levy – must not have been able to sleep since reading my “OPEN LETTER: To the parents of the victims murdered by Elliot Rodger.”
That’s the one where I had the temerity to push back against the Marxists exploiting those Santa Barbara murders for their gun control agenda…
… Oh, crap – there I go not being sensitive again. Sorry, I didn’t mean to call the folks trying to take away your civil liberties “Marxists” – I mean to call them “Maoists.” Sorry.
You’ll find Mr. Levy’s words of veiled concession are strained harder than my new born’s breakfast. He clearly concurs with my assessment of the situation, yet his column is riddled with disclaimers, above it all rhetoric and oh, so sensitive cliches that overpower any feeling of brotherhood a true-blue Constitutional conservative might glean from it.
He knows damn well I’m right. But it’s hard out there to just say it.
Excerpts from The Washington Post:
Joe the Plumber said ‘your dead kids don’t trump my constitutional rights.’ Could he be right?
He incited near universal furor. But is there a kernel of truth to that claim?
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