Before President Obama took office in 2009, the amount of electricity being
produced by coal-fired utilities was approximately fifty percent of the total.
Today it is approximately forty percent and, when the Environmental
Protection Agency regulations take effect as of June 2, more such utilities
are likely to close their doors. The basis for the regulations is utterly devoid
of any scientific facts.
Environmentalism, as expressed by many of the
organizations that advocate it is, in fact, an attack on America, its economic
system of capitalism, and its need for energy to maintain and grow its business
and industrial base. Electricity, of course, is also the energy we all use daily
for a multitude of tasks ranging from heating or cooling our homes to the use of
our computers and every other appliance.
The EPA regulations are said to
be necessary to reduce "greenhouse gas" emissions, primarily carbon dioxide
(CO2) which the Greens deem to be a "pollutant" in our atmosphere. It is not a
pollutant, despite a Supreme Court decision that identifies it as such, but
rather a gas vital to all life on Earth, used by all vegetation for its growth.
CO2 is to vegetation what oxygen is to all animal life. Humans, all seven
billion of us, exhale CO2!
Viv Forbes, the Chairman of the Carbon Sense
Coalition and a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, notes that the Earth's atmosphere "is not a greenhouse" and "does
not have a glass roof. It uses convection to redistribute heat very quickly."
The claim for several decades has been that CO2 has an effect on the Earth's
surface temperature, but Forbes points out that "water vapor is a far more
effective agent for insulating the Earth and preserving its warmth than carbon
dioxide," adding that "there is no evidence that man-made carbon dioxide is a
significant cause of global warming."
Indeed, even though the amount of
CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere has increased, Forbes points out that "Close
examination of past records shows that temperature tends to rise before
carbon dioxide content rises, sometimes centuries earlier." Significantly, at
the same time Greens have been crying out against emissions of CO2 from
coal-fired utilities and other sources, the Earth has been in a cooling
cycle now verging on eighteen years!
The EPA is lying to Americans
regarding carbon dioxide and, worse, its proposed regulations will reduce the
number of coal-fired utilities and drive up the cost of electricity for
One of the many Green organizations, Earthjustice, claims that
"Climate change threatens the world as we know it – and the chief culprit is
fossil fuel burning. To avert ecological disaster, Earthjustice is pushing for a
shift from dirty to clean energy to stabilize our climate and build a thriving
sustainable world."
There is literally nothing that mankind can do to
"stabilize" the Earth's climate. While the Earth has been going through climate
change for 4.5 billion years, there is no evidence that anything mankind does
has any effect on it. The change the Earth has encountered, as mentioned, is a
cooling, a far different scenario than the "global warming" claims of the past
three decades or more.
Tom Richard, the editor of, notes
that "Arctic sea ice has rebounded to higher and higher levels each year.
Antarctica is actually gaining in size and there has been no increase in
droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, 'extreme weather,' flooding, et
Reducing CO2 would have zero benefits while, at the same time,
the EPA regulations would have a dangerous and totally unnecessary effect on CO2
emissions from plants producing electricity. Other nations around the world are
actually abandoning "clean energy." i.e., wind and solar power, in favor of
building many more coal-fired plants to meet their need to provide energy for
their populations and their economic growth. China and India are just two
To support its claims of the forthcoming EPA regulations,
EarthJustice is claiming that climate change "hits people of color the hardest"
and that power plants "disproportionately impact Latino communities." It noted
"the moral obligation of faith community to act on climate change and support
carbon pollution limits." This has nothing to do with the actual facts of
climate change and CO2 as noted here and is a blatant political campaign to
secure support from these groups.
The reality, as noted by the Bipartisan
Policy Center, a policy research organization founded by former Senate leaders
from both parties, was quoted in the May 26 edition of The Wall Street Journal
saying "A 25% reduction (of CO2) with a 2015 baseline might make it impossible
for some companies to operate," noting that the cap-and-trade policies of
emissions allowances that the EPA is putting in place "amounts to a hidden tax"
on a whole range of electrical generation and industrial plants that produce CO2
emissions. The EPA will likely use the term "budget program" to avoid
"cap-and-trade," a proposal that was rejected by Congress.
Writing in
Commentary, Jonathan S. Tobin, said that the new regulations on carbon emissions
"will have a potentially devastating impact on America's more than 600
coal-fired power plants" noting that "the move was made possible by Supreme
Court decisions that ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency had the
right to regulate (CO2) emissions, giving the President virtual carte blanche to
remake this sector of our economy without requiring congressional
In July, the Heartland Institute, a free market think tank,
will hold its ninth international conference on
climate change. Previous conferences have brought together some of the
world's leading authorities on meteorology and climatology to debunk the decades
of lies Greens have told about climate change and global warming.
President has put "climate change" high on his list of priorities and it is an
attack on the nation's ability to affordably and extensively provide the energy
needed to meet current needs for electricity and reducing our capacity to meet
future needs.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is on record saying that the
President's bogus "climate change" policy could cost the U.S. economy $50
billion a year and force more than a third of coal-fired plants to close by
2030. The Heritage Foundation says "The plan will drive up energy prices for
American families and businesses without making a dent in global
This is a form of regulatory death for the nation and
comes straight out of the Oval Office of the White House.
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