A weekly look at a critical point 
in the history of our nation

Memorial Day Quotes That Will Warm Your Heart

Here are a few of my favorite quotes for Memorial Day. I am thinking of my loved one, as you probably are.  May these quotes warm your heart:

For love of country they accepted death...  ~James A. Garfield

They fell, but o'er their glorious grave
Floats free the banner of the cause they died to save.
~Francis Marion Crawford

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.  ~From a headstone in Ireland

They are dead; but they live in each Patriot's breast,
And their names are engrave on honor's bright crest.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Peace to each manly soul that sleepeth;
Rest to each faithful eye that weepeth...
~Thomas Moore

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.  ~Joseph Campbell

Who kept the faith and fought the fight;
The glory theirs, the duty ours.
~Wallace Bruce

We come, not to mourn our dead soldiers, but to praise them.  ~Francis A. Walker

How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!  ~Maya Angelou

Soldier, rest! Thy warfare o'er,
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,
Dream of battled fields no more.
Days of danger, nights of waking. -Sir Walter Scott

To our brave soldiers serving around the world, our veterans, and to those whom paid the ultimate sacrifice, Thank You for your service! Thank you for allowing me the privilege to live in a free country.  God Bless America!   John F. Kennedy



This is a email I received from  Fran Larson 
Please find attached my column. 

I think this will be my last one.  I need more time for writing and also am a bit unfocused due to personal problems.  I wish the best for you!

.  I am also going to give up my civil war site so that I can have more time for writing.....

Sincerely, Fran Larson

I for one will miss FRAN LARSON'S Civil War Window and her Civil War Site
some very interesting and educational story's and facts . If anyone would like to take over her column and or her site. You can contact her by the link above.

Hi Everyone, I have worked hard to build up this site and am enjoying all of you participating and sharing! However, I have found that I need more time for writing and was wondering if anyone would like to take over as administrator of this site? You can e-mail me at

We are collecting information about The Civil War and Reconstruction Era in Alabama, as well as other areas in the south. Open discussion is invited.(Administrator Francine Coleman Larson.) For your convenience in sharing, here is our link:

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