“Government Assistance” Is Just Another Form Of Slavery

In February 2009, the sanctimonious, race driven Attorney General Eric Holder said, “Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.…”  One of the few things I could agree with Holder on, because it’s been a political tactic of the Left (which is a “dog whistle”/ code term for Liberal/ Democrats/ Socialist) to SHUT UP their political opposition by intimidation and bullying tactics.

Any none- Liberal- drone is immediately called racist for any utterance which doesn’t pass their approval.  Sadly this same approach has been accepted and picked up by many calling themselves Conservatives.

Using the word “negro” in unacceptable, at least when used by the unacceptable- white- none- Liberal.  Referring to black Americans who have the misfortune (as it should be understood) of living…

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