Big Brother Obama about to get even BIGGER?

Martial Law Is Imminent!

Tea Party Is Warning Millions of American
Households And We Need Your Help!

“America’s Fraud President” is tightening his stranglehold on America’s throat. Obama is FREEDOM STRIPPING AMERICA and her good citizens and he must be stopped! Are you with us? Leaders and Patriots are positioned for a catastrophic coup the likes of which no one has ever seen before, and that’s why I need to hear from you now!
Listen up. Have you suffered enough under this oppressive Obama regime? Are you sick of the lies, the deceit, the corruption, the scandals, and the tyranny? Are you willing to prepare for the next battle America must win?
If so, then keep reading. If you’re not, then go back to your bootlicking because there’s no room for Obama sympathizers on this battlefield.
Get ready for the mother of all clashes. Here’s where we are right now…
(Get comfortable and buckle your seat belts)
Tea Party and its Patriots are putting out a call—a red alert
One-by-one Obama is stripping America of its freedoms and as he does we’re sounding the alarm loud and clear. There will be no one who does not see his ulterior motives, which are both wicked and deceitful.
“America’s Fraud President” is not just trying to drive America to her knees by stripping our hard earned personal freedom from our beloved citizens…he’s actually DOING IT. Don’t believe me or think it’s just Tea Party tin foil? Then by all means look at this—and remember, this is just a tiny piece of the atrocities he’s committing:
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Lost your insurance? How about your doctor?
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Your citizenship given to unworthy illegal aliens
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Gun grabbed with registration around the corner
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Piling on more national debt, crushing the dollar
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Invading your home without a warrant
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Refusing to investigate fraudulent votes
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Fast & Furious gun running to drug lords in Mexico
  • FREEDOM STRIPPED:  Crushing business with ObamaCare and ObamaTax
  • WHAT’S NEXT?   Full frontal assault on our liberties with Martial Law enacted!
Right from our hands Obama is stripping our rights…he’s blaspheming and trampling our Constitution…and eradicating our heritage—all while the Lame Blame Media applauds his actions as heroic and noble. The writing is on the wall. If you have not seen it OPEN YOUR EYES

America is becoming Obamafied!!!

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