Reed Chambers II


 (Form Revised Friday, March 21, 2014) Please PLANT a new Charter Family in each and every month! Family Charter Form for Voluntary Use in the Wholesome Family Initiative. All family members of the age of 8 years or older subscribe their signatures to this: Be it known unto all nations, kindred, tongues, and peoples; our Household is a Family Charter Home:

 1. There are Immediate Families, Extended Families, Extended Family Clans, and Extended Family Tribes. Two or more related Immediate Family Units is an Extended Family, Five or more related Family Units is an extended family clan. Five or more related extended family clans are an extended family tribe. All family units shall have Family Charters. Families are forever. Disputes are temporary. Cherish love is eternal and forevermore.

 2. All things temporal are in reality spiritual. God is the creator of life and Head of the Spiritual Family 

3. The family is the primary unit for the creation of love, sanctuary, posterity, fairness, prosperity, spirituality, duty, philanthropy, sharing, success, friendship, planning, rending aid and comfort, and also the pursuit of happiness. 

4. The Immediate family is an integrated part of the extended family clan and tribe, who are related to us by consanguinity (blood), or affinity (marriage or adoption).

 5. There shall be erected at or near the entry door of each family home a sign that says, “Return with Honor.”

 6. There shall be erected at or near the bedroom door of each family member, a sign that says, “Remember who you are and what you represent.” 

7. In each common area of the family home there shall be a reminder posted that says, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
 8. At the intersection of the driveway and walkway of each family home that is owned there shall be established and maintained a “Home Stone” bearing the legend “As for me and my House, we will obey the Lord” and also “This Household is a Charter Family Home.” If the family home is rented, the “Home Stone” shall be a Home Place Plaque placed in a window close to the main entry place that says the same words as those appearing on a Home Stone. The Home Stone or the Home Plaque shall be placed when a member of the priesthood blesses the home. A Home Place Plaque or Home Stone shall be given to each family member upon the event of their wedding. When a family member changes their last name, the family name on the Home Stone or Home Place Plaque shall reflect the change of name; however, it is understood at such time the extended Family Clan is thus enlarged, from today's time unto the uttermost generation.

 9. The family shall establish and maintain its formal legislative, executive, and judicial functions. 

10. The legislative powers of the family are vested in Family Council. The family council shall be a round table forum authorized by common consent to make all decisions affecting the family. All family members shall participate and be bound by the family council decisions affecting the entire family. The presiding officer of the family council shall be its President Of The Day, which position in order to teach greater responsibility among all family members, shall rotate in each succeeding month among its several members. Family members upon obtaining the age of eight years thereafter obtain the right to speak at any session of the Family Council. Family members upon obtaining the age of sixteen years obtain the right to vote at any session of the Family Council. The Family Council shall take under advisement the wants and needs expressed by the youth, however, it is understood that not all desires are rewarded and that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the wants and needs of only the one. 
11. The executive powers of the family are vested among the several commissions or Task Forces that are established periodically by the common consent of the family council. Each commission or task force shall enjoy a separate and distinct jurisdiction over the delegated subject matter contained within its written charter. Each family commission shall have a chairman assisted by two councilors. The Chief Executive of the Family Unit is the Master Steward who shall serve a term of three years, at which time another Master Steward shall be chosen to succeed his or her predecessor in office. All family commissions shall submit its operations plan, budget, if any, and also monthly written progress reports to the Master Steward. There is hereby established “Management by Objective” as the guiding principle of each Family Commission. A Family Commission may be standing of perpetual duration or special to expire at a specified time or when a task is completed, as the Family Council shall determine.

 12. The family shall establish, maintain, and magnify its stewardship. 

13. Each family member shall be nurtured, loved, counseled, and trusted, when one is faithful and obedient to one's family duties. 

14. There will be strife, illness, injury, need, and tribulation; it is the duty of the family to overcome each, as swiftly as is reasonably obtainable. 

15. Family members may stray from time to time, or by personal conduct may levy pain upon other members of the family. Each family member has a duty to labor with every other family member to resolve conflicts and to mitigate or prevent injury to another family member. Dangers to the harmony of the Family Unit include modern world peer pressures, street gangs, and also the Godless Socialist officials in government and the public schools who attempt to destroy the family unit through unwise public policies and also disruptive classroom teachings. 

16. Family meals are times for special harmony and fellowship. Conflict and anger have no place at a family meal. Saying a blessing shall precede all family meals. 

17. Family Activities Day shall have periodic Fellowship, Service, Worship, and a Study daily theme with the Fellowship, Service, Worship, and a Study theme for the day changing from one week to the next. Family Activities Day is a priority event and every family member has a duty to not knowingly or willingly create a conflict with participation in this one day a week activity, the enticements of the world notwithstanding. For the purposes of Family Activities Day, any nuisance deterrent to Family Activities Day, including but not limited to, any conflicting use of televisions, computers, cell phones, pleasure reading, friends, trips, clubs, dances, parties, or dates will be suppressed and not engaged in, unless leave is granted by unanimous consent for a nuisance violation to take precedent over the vital importance of being a part of, and investing one's time, talents, and treasures, with the nuclear family unit, extended family unit, extended family clan unit, and the extended family tribal unit. 

18. The judicial powers of the family are vested in the Family Tribunal. Disputes are first mediated, if possible. If consensus cannot be agreed upon in informal mediation, then there shall be a formal arbitration hearing conducted under state laws in force in the commonwealth or state where the immediate family resides. The decisions of the family arbitrator may be appealed to the Family Tribunal of three neutral persons whose duty it shall be to determine: 

(1) if in the prior proceeding: were the facts fully disclosed?

 (2) Were amends provided to the wronged party?

 (3) Was a reconciliation achieved? 

(4) And did fairness prevail? The Family Tribunal shall confirm or modify the decision and award of the arbitrator as fairness, justice or mercy requires. The Family Council shall have power to adopt regulations regarding the administration of justice within and for the family. It is wisdom to involve the extended Family Clan (aunts, uncles, cousins) in the administration of family justice, with all parties agreeing in advance to abide by the rulings of the Family Tribunal. 

19. The spiritual life of the family is entrusted to and invested in the Family Chaplain. The eldest male of able body and sound mind and holding spiritual sensibilities, shall be the Family Chaplain. The Family Chaplain shall establish and maintain the family altar and shall oversee that every family member does his or her duties. If there is no member of the Clergy in a particular family unit, then a Family Chaplain may be appointed by the voice of the Family Council to perform such duties, or the office and duty of a Family Chaplain may be confirmed by random chance through a blind-drawing of tokens from a container. The spiritual leadership of the extended Family Clan shall be its Senior Chaplain. The spiritual leader of the extended family tribe is its Master Chaplain. Each family member shall possess a spiritual family calling and shall perform one or more family spiritual missions. Assistant Chaplaincy is also hereby authorized, in order to have a division of labors in the Spiritual sector of the Family Unit.

 20. There shall not be any unjust dominion over the members of the family. Each family member is responsible for his or her own free agency and for his or her personal conduct under the Family Covenants. It is intended that when taught correct principles, the members of the family shall govern themselves in a peaceful, honorable, and orderly manner. Mistakes are learning lesson opportunities. It is more productive to strive to arrive at a remedy than it is to devote time in a search for blame. 

21. Each member of the family shall subscribe and adhere to the Family Covenants and also the provisions of this Family Charter, which is a binding Family Covenant between all those who subscribe to the principles of the Family Charter. And to these ends we mutually pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. This indenture shall be Perpetually Effective between all those of the attained age of eight years or more, who upon the event of a proper Family Ceremony and Feast, shall subscribe their signatures, now or in the future, to these binding family covenants and to this Family Charter. Additional pages attached to this Family Charter and bearing signatures of family members shall be as effective as the page bearing the original signatures of the Founding Family Members under this Family Charter. In Testimony of the above and forgoing, we the undersigned members of the family, by common consent, with Divine Providence judging the rectitude of our intentions, do hereby set our hands, in order to reverently and with joy, and love, to establish, maintain, and to preserve into perpetuity, from this date unto the uttermost generation, our immediate family, extended family, extended family clan, and extended family tribe. 

Done on this _______ day of ________, in the Year _______. By________________________________ Signature Done on this _______ day of ________, in the Year _______. By________________________________ Signature Done on this _______ day of ________, in the Year _______. By________________________________ Signature Bro. Reed Chambers II Supreme Publishing 1215 R.D. Mize Road Grain Valley, MO 34029-9438 816 254 1700 ************************ E N D ************************ 

When put into sincere and dedicated practice among the Households that are Charter Family Homes, the results will be profound. A News Release should be issued when we have 100 families mutually pledged to conduct Charter Family Council meetings to adopt a Family Charter, with copies of the duly signed Family Charters mailed, faxed, or sent in as an email attachment, is recorded in the Wholesome Families 

Initiative Archives. To everyone reading this message: Will yours be one of the first 100 Families to covenant to adopt and implement a Family Charter? If so, publicly pledge your Household to be a Family Charter Home in the comments seen below, then simply copy and paste this Family Charter to a Word Processing Program and print it out for use by your family, when you call your family members together and convene your FAMILY COUNCIL CHARTER MEETING. Family Activities Day may be for an individual Family Unit, or once a month Family Activities Day may be held jointly with the Family Unit(s) of friends and loved ones who also adhere to a Conservative Families for Freedom 

Family Charter. Is is wisdom to create a three-ring large notebook and to keep within it, the signed Family Charter and also all enactments of this Family Council, which are binding Family Covenants, under the provisions of the Family Charter. You may a00000dd additional signature pages through the coming generations so that when you, your children, and your children's children affix their signatures to this Family Charter, the culture of the extended family is preserved. When each family member leaves the household, they shall be given notarized True Copies of the Original Family Charter, to use as their new family is planted and the extended family grows. When put into sincere and dedicated practice among our families the result will be profound.
 Important documents such as Marriage Licenses are always in writing and are signed to emphasize their importance; that is why the Family Charter is a document in writing. Please provide copies of your Family Charter for our archives. Family Activities Day may be for an individual Family Unit, or once a month Family Activities Day may be held jointly with the Family Unit(s) of friends and loved ones who also adhere to a 

Family Charter. We can also gather our Charter Family Households to build extended family traditions for calendar-quarterly extended family potluck dinners, extended family clan-wide picnics for Memorial Day and Labor Day, and also extended family annual tribal banquets. May God Bless us all as we seek to magnify our lives in service to both God and Country as a Household that is a Family Charter Home. 

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