In the unscientific straw poll, of the more than 83,000 people responding, more than 50% believe that the issue has "merit" as opposed to 44% who do not. Even "blue states" show a majority who consider the issue a legitimate one worthy of continued investigation.
The controversy of whether Obama is a "natural born citizen" as required by Article Two of the Constitution revolves around two issues: whether he was in fact born in Hawaii as he claims or in Kenya as his living grandmother and others claim, and whether his dual citizenship at birth or subsequently affects his eligibility to be President.
Obama and his campaign have yet to produce original paper certificates of birth, only a computer-generated certification that does not conclusively address the location of his birth.
Obama is believed to have spent close to a million dollars in legal fees rather than producing the paper birth certificate.
The Supreme Court in recent weeks has declined to take on further discussion of cases that challenge Obama's eligibility, but that has not sated the curiosity and concern that many Americans evidently feel about the issue. There remain several cases and campaigns that challenge Obama on the citizenship issue, including one by Alan Keyes.
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