Obamacare denies specialty care for very sick kids

by Dr. Eowyn

Daniel Halper writes for The Weekly Standard, Jn. 31, 2014, that KING5 in Seattle, Washington, reports that sick children at Seattle Children’s Hospital were denied specialty care due to Obamacare.
KING5 reports: ”Administrators at Seattle Children’s today said they predicted this would happen, and it’s even worse than they expected. Patients being denied specialty treatment at the hospital by insurance providers on the Washington health benefits exchange. Children’s filed request on behalf of 125 of their patients. Of those, they say they got only 20 responses, eight of which were denials. Dr. Sandy Melzer says all this comes after reassurances of certain unique specialty cases would still be covered.
Dr. Sandy Melzer says, “Well, some of the patients who were denied are ones who clearly would fall into that unique category. A two-year-old with new significant neck mass that was being evaluated for infection or malignancy, an older child with a chronic severe medical condition requiring multidisciplinary care here, a baby that had a skull abnormality.”

But Seattle Children’s Hospital went ahead and treated those cases anyway. However, Dr. Melzer said the hospital cannot afford to keep providing treatment to patients whom Obamacare insurance refuses to cover.

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