First they pull the plug on granny, then they phase out the physically & developmentally disabled, then they move on to those with chronic disease. Finally, all dissidents will be declared "insane" and "treated". Then society will be perfect and and all functioning well within the defined parameters.
From Hyscience The Tentacles of Organized Destruction: "We have not yet seen tanks in the street except in Boston. MRAP's, the precursor, yes, but not tanks. The war against America is much more than "just" intimidation and tanks. It has many faces and it has slithered in as we were elsewhere. Quietly but surely attacking our minds has been another avenue to our destruction and cannot be fought until we get it.
Matt Walsh writes - Maybe you can't find a solution to every problem at the bottom of a prescription pill bottle more
Facts from his very enlightening article - Researchers have found that nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, more than half are on at least two, and twenty percent of U.S. patients were found to be on five or more prescription medications.
"Another piece from Jon Rappoport - Soviet psychiatric drug for dissidents given to US patients
It's called Haldol. The generic name is haloperidol. It's classified as an "anti-psychotic."
There are many weapons available to the powers that be and destroying our minds and will is one of the more potent.
Read the entire post here.
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