According to Newsmax, Coulter believes that “shysters” within the tea party should be distrusted, especially the ones who say they are trying to defeat establishment Republicans.
Sure there are people in the tea party who are trying to destroy the Republican Party, but they have always been there, the neo-confederates, the anti-war isolationists, and the Birchers to name a few of the regulars, but the people who identify with Reagan, the anti-establishment badass conservatives, and the religious right definitely are trying to topple the establishment. Coulter has a strange definition of nearly all of the terms she uses in her appearance on Hannity.
“There are shysters,” the conservative author said Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity.“ ”Don’t trust anyone saying they are trying to defeat ‘establishment Republicans.’”
I’d like Ann to name for me three people who are tea party, and want all of the establishment to remain in place. I’m waiting. . . . nothing? I didn’t think so. So, nobody in the tea party wants the establishment to continue purging conservatives, slow-walking liberal policy, expanding government, voting for amnesty and all the other bullshit they are doing. And since they have demonstrated that they will not change, they have to be tossed out.
“Of course, I love the tea party,” Coulter said, but she limits them mostly to people in the “heart of America” who want to see change. She said tea party groups such as the Senate Conservatives Fund are just trying to bilk donors.Rather than focusing on defeating Republicans, the tea party should focus on getting a majority in the Senate, Coulter said.
You know, I was reading a speech given by Mary, Queen of Scots about how she viewed her country, and the people, and it interested me to see that one thing nobility does to try to ingratiate the people they are trying to control is to tell them they love them a lot. I don’t remember which speech it was, but Mary went on and on about how much she loved the people, how she personally felt so very deeply about the love, how the love permeated her being, you know, really going overboard, and somehow, that crap worked with people who are already serfs.
A part of being part of the establishment is to be so delusional that the things they tell each other to feel better become a religious faith of sorts.
“If it weren’t for shysters running against ‘establishment Republicans,’ we would have 51 Republican Senators right now,” she told host Sean Hannity. “One big election this year, and we would have a veto-proof majority. So thank you, shysters and con men.”
Why doesn’t Coulter blame Karl Rove for the crappy results in the Mack and Thompson races? Tommy Thompson was a cabinet member for crying out loud! Maybe they lost because people are intelligent, and they identify with tea party sentiment, that just putting a Republican in place won’t fix things, it has to be a conservative.
If you think Ann Coulter believes what you believe, America, you are wrong, she’s liberal Republican except on amnesty, and as Daniel Horowitz points out in Ann Coulter’s Hypocrisy, she continues to cheer-lead for these buffoons going against her stated goals.
This line is hilarious:
Repealing Obamacare should be the tea party’s main goal, Coulter said.
And just keep on pumping DC full of more and more liberal squish? Tell you what, maybe all the establishment can get together and put a bill through changing the name to Romneycare, I’ll bet that’ll give you a warm fuzzy, Ann. Then it’ll be good, right?
I said it before, Ann is the New England establishment’s cheer-leader, and they never change, she has just, prior to 2012 when she went to great lengths to push out every conservative in the race, played like a conservative enough to fool enough people.
But don’t trust Queen Ann with your voting decisions, or your pocketbook. Give to the Senate Conservatives Fund and bring more conservatives to the Senate. There is no other way.
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