RUSH: The hell, you say. Now they tell us. Right there on Fox they got some Wall Street Journal editorial writer who says, "Guess what? Americans are losing health coverage on purpose." Really? They just figured that out at the Wall Street Journal. This is exactly the kind of thing, I can't tell you how this frustrates me. This has been known for three years. It's been known for five years that that was the intent of Obamacare. And now they're too late to the party. Guess what the Journal says they figured out? Happy-go-lucky.
JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny south Florida, it's Open Line Friday!
RUSH: Americans are losing coverage by political design. Yeah, in fact, the White House knew out there that 93 million Americans were gonna lose their policy. Richard Nixon resigned over a lie nowhere near this big. And you know the hell of it is that Obama doesn't think he lied. I don't think Obama, in his mind, is capable of lying. Whatever is necessary to say or do to advance the agenda is what is morally correct. Doesn't matter. He doesn't care. He doesn't think he lied.
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