Watch: Jimmy Kimmel’s Hilarious ObamaCare Prank

Jimmy Kimmel hits the Obamacare nail on the head 

 The Question = Which would you choose for your healthcare, Obamacare or the coverage 

available through the Affordable Care Act? Yesterday, Kimmel’s crew stopped people outside 

of his studio on Hollywood Boulevard and asked them to choose between Obamacare and the 

Affordable Care Act. One after another, almost every person confidently declared that they 

would prefer the Affordable Care Act over Obamacare. Many cited the same reasons that most 
people give when saying they don’t want Obamacare: “Socialism” “Don’t like being forced to 

buy something” “I just think there are a lot of holes in it. It needs to be revamped.” This pretty 

well sums up why Obama and the "D"s are holding the hard line on the Affordable Care Act and 

at the same time, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are holding the line on defunding Obamacare Both 

side have irrefutable survey and polling proof that the Affordable Care Act is good for America 

and Obamacare is bad for America - God help us !!!!


Yeah, low-information voters really are this dumb
So, guess what happens when you send a camera crew out onto Hollywood Boulevard to ask a very simple question: “Which do you like better, the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare?” Hilarity ensues. Really.

On Tuesday, Jimmy Kimmel did just that. And, yes, hilarity ensued. Low-information voter after low-information voter confidently avowed that they would prefer coverage under the Affordable Care Act vs. that provided by ObamaCare.
Is there any hope for the future of our Republic, folks? Geez

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