Fascism – A Progressive Construct: From The French Revolution To Obama’s Age of Tyranny

History reveals Satan’s fingerprints on the ideology that spawned the worst miseries and genocides in modern history.  Obama and the Democrats in America are imposing upon us, a similar fate.

One of the two greatest lies that most Americans have bought lock-stock and barrel from decades of liberal Left indoctrination is that 1.) Our Rights come from government which is the greatest good; and 2.) That European Fascism and Hitler’s Nazi’s were a product of Right Wing Christian Conservative Nationalism.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and the Left has always known this which is why they worked so hard to achieve success in the minds of easily deceived Americans that Fascism is a Conservative/Right/Christian ideology.  The meme that “fascism will come carrying a cross and wrapped in the flag” is the fear and loathing the Leftists have for Christian Conservatives, and it was convenient for them to convince as many as possible that liberty has nothing to fear from the Progressive Left, but rather from the Conservative Christian.
The abject truth of the matter is that Fascism along with Nazism and Marxism are bastard sons of Socialism, which is not a Conservative/Right wing ideology.  Rather, they emanate from the top-down controlling aspect that Statists of Socialism and Communism demand.
What Obama and his MarxoFascist Democrats are fundamentally transforming America into, is a Fascist totalitarian state that ensconces the Ruling Class into a position of power that micromanages every single aspect of our lives. How we live, what we think, what we eat, what we learn and teach, to what kind of health care we will be allowed to have is all part of the agenda to subjugate liberty to Statism.  Do not marvel at the charge, for this is what the Progressives have sought to do to this country for a century.
The fingerprints of such tyranny stretch back to antiquity – but the modern strain of Satan’s imprint on man’s government are found squarely in those who in name of ‘fairness’, ‘compassion’, ‘equity’ and ‘common salvation’ impose their tyranny and rule their subjects with an iron fist – exterminating any and all who stand in their way.

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