The Outside Looking In to The Inside Looking Out

By Donald Belsito

I recently decided to join the tea party. I was watching a film called hating Breitbart a documentary on Andrew Breitbart. Of course I myself have never been one much of a political person .The only thing i have heard about the tea party was obviously the racism claims, what you see in the media and the horrible tea bagging joke that got old very quickly. There is also the jokes done on TV with WWE characters’’ The Real Americans’’ who show a ignorant vision of the tea party in my mind mostly spewing out racist remarks. There was also another poor image of tea party done on a South Park episode ‘’t.m.i”.

When I was watching the movie I really connected with it. I thought to myself ‘’ wait there is a group of people who feel the same way I do. My whole life I was thought you were either on one side of the fence or the other or you were an independent that no one cared about. Then there is this new party formed and instead of most people going’’ ow sweet, here is something new and they want the government to answer to things they have done.’’ It was criticized. slandered. called racist and many other things. I thought to myself what could have they done wrong to get some much negative attention. You know what I found…. nothing. Nothing at all. I searched through the internet. Looking for anything at all that would make someone want to ridicule this party. Literally the only reason the tea party seems to be targeted is it’s different. Which in america is not something new by any means. But the fact is happens in this era is sad and pathetic.

While I was watching the movie I connected to Andrew Breitbart. He was a normal guy. Who did extraordinary things. he was funny and human. Every Time I have had to meet someone in politics or government they always seemed like plastic with only a certain set of emotions kinda like a robot. When I watching and saw Andrew Breitbart speaking at rallies and such. I felt he thought everyone to be an equal. Like I have said I used to be the most non political person in the world and never bother with elections and getting involved mostly because I thought’’ I don't make a difference’’ but with this party I feel as though a change can be made by everyone. Looking out from the inside I feel pretty good.

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