Make Them Defund ObamaCare!

Patriots, the fight's not over.

Friday, the House passed a Continuing Resolution that Defunds ObamaCare. Now it’s the Senate’s turn. And they could vote any day now.
We need to make Democrats from conservative states like Louisiana, West Virginia, Alaska, and more vote to Defund ObamaCare. Patriots, we can’t afford ObamaCare, and if we’re going to Defund it, we need to make sure these Democrats know where America stands.

Defund OCare Red State Dems

Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are unhappy with ObamaCare. Even Obama’s Union buddies are demanding exemptions. Ordinary Americans like us are stuck with ObamaCare. But Congress got a special deal – and YOU’LL pay for it.

Call these Democrats and tell them that they have to choose between you and Obama.

If ObamaCare isn’t good enough for Democratic Senators and Obama’s cronies, why should you be forced into it? You shouldn’t. It’s not right.
And that’s exactly what you need to tell them right now.

Call these Democrats now. The vote could happen this week.
In Liberty,
Matt Kibbe Signature
Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

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