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My Daily Rant today
was entitled "Ignorance on Display." One of my readers wrote me saying, "They
sure do hate the truth, don't they?" The answer to her question is yes they do.
But there is always a sensus plenior, i.e., deeper meaning, to the works of
ignorance coming from ignorant people.
I, without apology, understand that the people who lash out at those of us who are not afraid to speak the politically incorrect and unpopular truth are not attacking us as such -- they are attempting to attack the truth we are speaking. But the truth is its own defense, and, being unable to refute the truth, they attack the truth teller. They believe that their ad hominem attacks will cause us to be silenced; after all, who wants to be called names, so goes their reasoning.
Another trick they use is to attempt to undermine the truth, weaken, and/or subvert it. They throw out cleverly disguised erroneous facts and half truths intended to weaken our position. One of which is when they say, "We can agree to disagree." My experience is that offer is almost always made by the person with the weakest argument.
The people I named in my Daily Rant this morning and those like them are, in actuality, afraid of the truth. If they acknowledge what I am saying as truth, it means they will have to acknowledge what they have embraced is wrong. It means they will have to admit they were betrayed by a willful blindness and that is the one thing Satan hates almost as much as he does Christ.
Think about the times you have tried to have reasoned, cogent conversations with liberals and lost souls. Think how quickly the conversation devolves into their shouting and becoming angry with you. It's the truth that sets them off. So they lash out at us. And those who are sinister enough to be able to attract audiences and followings will forever attack the truth. Their societal well-being depends on people buying the lie. Suppose Al Sharpton held a press conference, and told the nation he had intentionally been misleading people and stirring the caldron of racial discord? Suppose he apologized and promised to attempt to make recompense for the harm he had done?
This is the reason these people pocket together forming a vitriolic collective of lumpens who denigrate freed-thinkers. It is because they cannot accept the truth. They would rather sink under the weight of the lies that alienate them, than embrace the freedom that comes with the truth. And their father, the devil, wouldn't have it any other way.
I, without apology, understand that the people who lash out at those of us who are not afraid to speak the politically incorrect and unpopular truth are not attacking us as such -- they are attempting to attack the truth we are speaking. But the truth is its own defense, and, being unable to refute the truth, they attack the truth teller. They believe that their ad hominem attacks will cause us to be silenced; after all, who wants to be called names, so goes their reasoning.
Another trick they use is to attempt to undermine the truth, weaken, and/or subvert it. They throw out cleverly disguised erroneous facts and half truths intended to weaken our position. One of which is when they say, "We can agree to disagree." My experience is that offer is almost always made by the person with the weakest argument.
The people I named in my Daily Rant this morning and those like them are, in actuality, afraid of the truth. If they acknowledge what I am saying as truth, it means they will have to acknowledge what they have embraced is wrong. It means they will have to admit they were betrayed by a willful blindness and that is the one thing Satan hates almost as much as he does Christ.
Think about the times you have tried to have reasoned, cogent conversations with liberals and lost souls. Think how quickly the conversation devolves into their shouting and becoming angry with you. It's the truth that sets them off. So they lash out at us. And those who are sinister enough to be able to attract audiences and followings will forever attack the truth. Their societal well-being depends on people buying the lie. Suppose Al Sharpton held a press conference, and told the nation he had intentionally been misleading people and stirring the caldron of racial discord? Suppose he apologized and promised to attempt to make recompense for the harm he had done?
This is the reason these people pocket together forming a vitriolic collective of lumpens who denigrate freed-thinkers. It is because they cannot accept the truth. They would rather sink under the weight of the lies that alienate them, than embrace the freedom that comes with the truth. And their father, the devil, wouldn't have it any other way.
Mychal Massie
Ignorance On Display
I get literally thousands of emails weekly. Nearly all of it reasoned and respectful even from those who disagree. But then there are those who are filled with rage and unfathomable bitterness. And tragically, although predictably, the overwhelming majority of those come from blacks.
The refusal of those I reference to truly accept modernity is a sad and tragic commentary, but the most pitiful thing about them is their ignorance. I believe on a basic level their plebeianistic screeds are born out of their inner knowledge that they are self-alienated in an emotional domicile of self-imprisonment refusing to accept that the manumission of the person also manumitted the person’s mind.
As my Daily Rant today, I want to share a few of the comments and letters I received from people in the last few days. They are unedited and appear exactly as they were sent to me. As always, I have included their names and contact information such as they provided. I warn you that much of what is said is coarse and vulgar.
While reading them, think what it takes for a person to become consumed by such raw emotion. Note the elementary level of their complaint — where said is even addressed. For the most part, none of them offers reasoning pursuant to why that which I extend is incorrect. They assail me because I am saying it. Which goes back to a syndicated Daily Rant I wrote some days ago entitled “Pssst – Obama’s Bad Keep It To Yourself” about Julian Ramsey, a black paralegal from Medford, New Jersey employed at the law firm of McCabe, Weisberg, and Conway, LLC.
There are two more reasons I share these. One is to expose the people to public condemnation for their animus. The other is to encourage those who understand right from wrong and the truth from the lies to speak out. None of the things these people has called me have hurt or deterred me. They have, however, proven my point by showing in the absence of coherent and reasoned discourse they reduce their opposition to truth to name-calling and attempted insult. Such ad hominem attacks neither break bones nor draw blood. They do however, vividly show the ignorance of the attacker. Begin reading the letters/comments here:
– Victorio Guerra (https://www.facebook.com/victorio.guerra1)
mychal, do you know what your so called conservative friends call you behind your back: dumb nigger. trust me on that.
mychal, do you know what your so called conservative friends call you behind your back: dumb nigger. trust me on that.
— Victorio Guerra (https://www.facebook.com/victorio.guerra1)
do you hate yourself mychal? just a question. i wonder about black conservatives, seems as if you are suffering from stockholm syndrome. i have never voted and i don’t like barry soetero. i am no liberal just a man who loves freedom that america does not have.
do you hate yourself mychal? just a question. i wonder about black conservatives, seems as if you are suffering from stockholm syndrome. i have never voted and i don’t like barry soetero. i am no liberal just a man who loves freedom that america does not have.
– Martha Martin Alvarado (https://www.facebook.com/martha.martinalvarado1)
– Linda White (https://www.facebook.com/PastorLindaWhite)
While I do not know Mychael Massie, personally, I believe every person have a right to speak even if it shows to the world that he be racist to his own people. The Obama family is the first of many family of race and color to grace the white house,.No longer do we have to except the norm that comes from white folk, not even the chocolate white folk. You see we have learned one voice, one vote. You can do what you will to try and hinder the vote but it wont work. God gave man enough time to get the USA right, but they chose to try and keep it all white because they thought that if a black man get in office that he would show how wronged we have been treated. When they invaded Vietnam, they brought the people over hear and gave each one 10,000 dollars and business loans, ss, welfare and what ever else they could do to help them out. For the black folk that were in slaved to do their dirty work, we got whipped, raped, land taken from us and separated from our family’s sold auction block, with r clothes off so that the nasty hands of the filthy white man could put their hand all over you great grand parents, rest on you morals, you cheap imitation of a man of color. You still a nigga, always will be a nigga. Remember even though you drink milk it won’t make you white inside or out, it ill only make you S**T
While I do not know Mychael Massie, personally, I believe every person have a right to speak even if it shows to the world that he be racist to his own people. The Obama family is the first of many family of race and color to grace the white house,.No longer do we have to except the norm that comes from white folk, not even the chocolate white folk. You see we have learned one voice, one vote. You can do what you will to try and hinder the vote but it wont work. God gave man enough time to get the USA right, but they chose to try and keep it all white because they thought that if a black man get in office that he would show how wronged we have been treated. When they invaded Vietnam, they brought the people over hear and gave each one 10,000 dollars and business loans, ss, welfare and what ever else they could do to help them out. For the black folk that were in slaved to do their dirty work, we got whipped, raped, land taken from us and separated from our family’s sold auction block, with r clothes off so that the nasty hands of the filthy white man could put their hand all over you great grand parents, rest on you morals, you cheap imitation of a man of color. You still a nigga, always will be a nigga. Remember even though you drink milk it won’t make you white inside or out, it ill only make you S**T
– Jacqueline McKinney (https://www.facebook.com/jacqueline.mckinney.92)
Mychal Massie is a shame to our black community!!!!!!!You are the most arrogant black SOB that i have seen. Too bad you make all people of color look bad. You are exactly where you belong, must be trying to get some press coverage, or some type of promotion. When I look at you I see nothing, your not white nor black nor a man of color, exactly your not a man. Wonder what poor Martin or Malcolm would have thought of such ignorance.
Mychal Massie is a shame to our black community!!!!!!!You are the most arrogant black SOB that i have seen. Too bad you make all people of color look bad. You are exactly where you belong, must be trying to get some press coverage, or some type of promotion. When I look at you I see nothing, your not white nor black nor a man of color, exactly your not a man. Wonder what poor Martin or Malcolm would have thought of such ignorance.
– Jen Bruce <jenni4bruce@gmail.com> to mychal
I thought, “there is no person who would willfully abuse the English language and spread hateful propaganda just for the sake of it”, but here you are. All of the non-violent revolutionaries who have graced this planet with messages of love and equality would be ashamed of you. Your hateful, ignorant discourse is a joke to academics, intellectuals and truth-seekers world wide. You will be remembered as a joke and nothing more. Rants are not messages, essays, explorations or investigations and they do not represent anything concrete in the world. They breed anti-knowledge and misjudgements that end up causing actual pain for real people every day. You should feel guilty for the untimely deaths, on the streets and in the prison system, of young black men and women who have suffered because their leaders fail to protect them or to give them a real voice. It’s charlatans like you that perpetuate their suffering. It makes me sick and uncomfortable even knowing that I have to share a planet with you.
I thought, “there is no person who would willfully abuse the English language and spread hateful propaganda just for the sake of it”, but here you are. All of the non-violent revolutionaries who have graced this planet with messages of love and equality would be ashamed of you. Your hateful, ignorant discourse is a joke to academics, intellectuals and truth-seekers world wide. You will be remembered as a joke and nothing more. Rants are not messages, essays, explorations or investigations and they do not represent anything concrete in the world. They breed anti-knowledge and misjudgements that end up causing actual pain for real people every day. You should feel guilty for the untimely deaths, on the streets and in the prison system, of young black men and women who have suffered because their leaders fail to protect them or to give them a real voice. It’s charlatans like you that perpetuate their suffering. It makes me sick and uncomfortable even knowing that I have to share a planet with you.
You've heard of “Where’s Waldo?” These people are emblematic of where are their heads ?
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