Drawing A Red Line "Under God"

by Tricia Raymond


Tomorrow, the Massachusetts Supreme Court, arguably the most leftist state court in the nation, will hear a case to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. Yep, you guessed it ... another atheist couple has been offended and now they want us to change our ways to accommodate them.

Frankly, I have reached my limit of accommodation. I am drawing a RED LINE and telling every leftist, atheist, secularist, communist, anti-God activist to cease and desist from attempting to change America's culture to fit your distorted view of our history, our heritage, and our essence as a people.

Because that's what this is all about, right? You don't want to remove "under God" from the Pledge. You want to remove God from America. You don't want to remove "In God We Trust" as our national motto. You want to replace "In God We Trust" with "In Government We Trust".

With you, it's really not about freedom of religion - it's about freedom from religion.

Unless, of course, the religion happens to be of the Rev. Wright variety. Or the Sharia law type. Then, you suddenly become freedom of religion's best friend, defending the rights of every anti-Christian practitioner, even those who would seek to either decapitate or delegitimize those of us who ascribe to the true religion of love and peace, namely, Biblical Christianity.

Because it's not religion that you hate. It's the Christian religion that you hate. And it's your hatred of the Christian religion that is at the heart of your hatred of America. You are trying to destroy the historic, factual, documentable connection between the founding of our nation as based in Biblical Christianity and replace it with your incorrect, inaccurate, distorted version.

I am here to tell you that you will not succeed. There are too many others just like me who will not allow it. We will stand and fight your attempts to shut down Christianity. We will defend "under God", "In God We Trust", nativity scenes at City Halls, crosses at military memorials, voluntary prayer around flagpoles, and any other Christian symbol of expression in both public and private life. That is our right as Americans, a right given to us by God, the very God you want to erase from our way of life.

We will also, by the way, defend the right of others to practice their religion, be it Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism, and yes, even atheism. But only ... and hear me clearly ... only as long as their religious practices do not infringe upon my right to practice mine as I see fit, and only as long as their religious practice is peaceful and respectful of America. For, after all, it is America that gives them the blessed right to practice their religion in the first place. If you don't believe me, go to a Muslim country and try to convince them that "Allahu Akbar!" can't be exclaimed in their public square.

You see, your attempt to rid every semblance of the Judeo-Christian God, the God of the Holy Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, will be your undoing. For, it is God from whence freedom arises. It is God who created man and woman to yearn to be free. Where there is God, there is freedom. Remove God from America, and every other freedom will soon follow.

Our nation's leaders clearly understood this when, in 1954, they added "under God" to the Pledge. They saw what communist leaders did to people who refused to stop practicing their religion. Those people were killed, imprisoned, and oppressed. The most basic of all freedoms - the freedom of conscience - the freedom to believe - and the freedom to express one's beliefs - that freedom - was pounded into oblivion by the communists. And along with it, so was every other freedom.

And so, they drew a RED LINE - they added "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance. They shot across the bow of the godless communists as a reminder that America was great because America stood under God's protection. As a matter of fact, Senator Homer Ferguson, who introduce the Resolution to add the phrase said it beautifully when he said, "Spiritual values are every bit as important to the defense and safety of our nation as are economic and military values." The spiritual values he was referring to were Christian values. And no one, not one person, argued with him.

The same will happen here, my atheist friends, if you continue to go down this road. Is your temporary feeling of awkwardness really worth jeopardizing the freedom of an entire nation? We get it. You don't like God. Here's a solution - when everyone else says "under God", just don't say that part. Rent a billboard and tell everyone you don't believe in God. Write a book about it. Start an unbelieving church and invite your neighbors and friends. Just leave my right to my freedom of religion alone.

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